Why we need Mercy back!

So it’s not impactful. An Ultimate should be an impactful moment. You can consider Valkyrie quite a passive if you see in that way.


I mean I’d enjoy the current GA with the old ult, if anything for testing purposes.
But overall I prefer current Mercy over old Mercy.

Not to mention the overhealing and crithealing.

In my opinion, a good Mercy player generally gets enormous value out of Valkyrie. There are many videos out there that you can watch that can help you improve your play as Mercy, and in the use of Valkyrie


Valk is very unfun :sob::sob::sob::sob:

I and many others find using Valkyrie to be very fun.

Personally, I find it to be one of the most impactful and versatile ultimates in the game

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I find Mercy to already/currently be more effective than the other healers at present, as I get gold healing almost every time i play Mercy on a team with another healer - any healer

Describe “impactful?”

Because I can surely say from my personal observation and experiences that when I use her, I win a lot of my battles.


I and many others would prefer that Mercy not be changed in this (or any) fashion, as we like her as she is in her current state

The bunny cult.

The bunny cult always wins.


i swear mercy main keep saying “mercy is not impactful” so much it has turned into an anthem.
Can you muster up an original thought?


There is an unfortunate (and perhaps ironic) side effect to this as well: many pro-mercy player such as myself receive complaints from this same set of players for repeating our responses to them - but - what sort of new response is to be expected when the same anti-mercy statements are repeated over and over again?


also, using valk on cooldown shows how little you understand that ult. 60 hps or 30% extra damage on your team, while you are hardly killable (outside of ult and godlike aim) and with the best mobility in the game.

the thing is… mercy mains have been using the same arguments so much they made a bingo a few months ago.
What else do you expect people to respond to the nth instance of “mass rez was balanceable” “mercy is not impactful” “rework her again” etc?


I’ve seen a bingo card specific for one the more vocal of the anti-mercy folks, but not one for them as a group in general

got a link?


no, i didn’t save it.
Also, that one user, half of what they preached has become part of the “mercy is not fun” cult, so it still kinda counts.

well, if you do run across it, I’d love to see it

Tell that to Lucio and Ana players :frog:

And rez up to 4 players (if you’re talking about the old valk, which was undeniably broken)

This is true, Mercy doesn’t have a lot of abilities, but you can always play other heroes if that’s what you’re looking for. Mercy is designed this way in order to be easy to pick up.

For hide and rez, it was just that a lot of people really didn’t enjoy it.

This being before they made instant rez a thing, yes. The instant rez was frustrating, and that was their mistake that led to her being reworked and OP for about a year.

It is still one of the most powerful abilities in the game, and due to some dps coming back into the meta she will likely see some viability on a good few maps.

If they can only play Mercy, then they should probably try and pick up a different hero. It can be a lot of fun.

This is statistically incorrect. I understand that you may spend a lot of time around people who want the old Mercy back, but that is in no way the sentiment of even a portion of the entire community, and not even among Mercy Mains.


Well, all of my friends left because of the Mass Rez meta that lasted for so long.

But you’re right. You can bring it back, most people left already. At least the hardcore players I knew. If they didn’t comeback after the Mercy rework I’m sure they’ll not, but a lot of players will leave if that happens.

I’m one of these people, if the “revert mercy” brings Mercy the frustrating way she was before. I’m not gonna let a ultimate waste all my effort over and over again. But if everyone wants her to be reverted, sure thing, but this isn’t my game anymore. I’ll let Blizzard decide on this issue, their decision will take my path on videogaming.

Megadoo is right though

The survey is poorly formulated, a survey should have as few open questions as possible. The questions allowed for contradicting answers and the evironment it was held in was already biased.

But most important, the creator admited it was a bad survey:

Ooh and he/she exclusively said:

So not only is it biased, the creator specificly states that it does not represent what the overall playerbase wants


No we really don’t need Mercy back.