Why we need Mercy back!

Ah, then perhaps you could provide a link to it?

First my interpretation of the first part since you’re not providing my a clear answer and instead choosing to use flowery word choice to make yourself seem like you gave a well thought out answer when in reality you did nothing but talk in a circle.

You…are not getting it in the slightest at all? I’m not asking where to find it.

I can see that I repeat myself until I resort to copy and pasting the same issues I present over and over.

It’s seriously in this thread…scroll through it.

Honestly, I don’t think surveys should be what determines balance changes to happen anyway.
After all this time, developer intuition is the only thing I really trust because so far there haven’t really been any balance changes that have properly affected me like other people make them out to affect them. I don’t know if that sentence makes sense but oh well.


My answers have been truthful and genuine, and have addressed the questions asked

I agree! That’s what I’m trying to get across! Use them for more of a general feedback, but not for balances because of that bias that will be in there.

The information in the surveys can be useful though they just need to be treated and looked at with the simple fact that they will be skewed on way or another. Tossing out a survey all together because it’s “not valid” is insulting to say the least.

(There are issues I have with using intuition too buuuuuut that’s because Blizzard’s intuition…is what lead us to the Mercy rework before Moira’s release, the “Ana’s only weak to Dive” argument, and “Why we feel we needed to nerf Tracer’s Pulse Bomb”-while Brig was on the PTR)

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11 hours
467 (468 now) replies

“Mercy” is a popular topic.

How about we bring back Rez but we require the Mercy player to play a minigame when ulting, and if she fails she loses her ult and no one gets rezzed? You know, so that you need to be a “good” Mercy, and whether or not you can be successful isn’t completely dependent on whether or not the other team has a “good” sniper?


But your comparison is between these two comments from the original versions of the posts, correct?

One of these makes a claim about what the majority of people believe, while the other is simply voicing a personal opinion.

To prove the former, one would need to provide some kind of poll results from all Overwatch players, showing that a majority believe what this person says they do.

To prove the latter, the bearer of that opinion simply needs to say it, which he/she already did—that’s how you were able to reply in the first place.

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Mercy 1.0 eventually became a must pick, not at first but eventually people saw that mass rez was ridiculous hence why it is removed. It was broken and you don’t want to admit that since you are a “highly skilled Mercy main” :slight_smile:

Let’s just change Mercy again, ditch res, and be done with it lol

I stopped reading after this… you obviously have no idea what Mercy was.


I can agree.

Granted she wasn’t AS much of an issue back then, she did dominate the lower levels with Mass Rez, in higher not so much since she lacked the mid-fight utility that Zen and Lucio provided and that more teams knew to save ults rather than blowing them all in one go (the only thing I do missing seeing when I watch streamers play the game).

She wasn’t a “must pick” may have been a bit more of an open way to phrase it

I want OLD MERCY back now! I have invested so many hours getting good at mercy that I made it to diamond and ever since she was reworked I am hardstuck in plat!

It is not fair to my loyalty to this game and this character to completely change how she is played!

Stop these nonsense reworks! Revert mercy and give echo a res as an E ability+a high powered AOE healing ult. Echo would be a perfect fit for mercy’s current abilities minus healing staff, then revert mercy!

They have no reworks planned if I recall correctly.

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Yikes, what kind of war went on here? Which “cult” won in the end?

Nobody wins in war.
Stares off into distance.

I want Mercy to be just as effective and useful as other main healers. ….that’s all :confused:

ohhh and maybe this community should stop being toxic to each other ;-;


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People think of it as a “cooldown” because it has no added value so there is no need to save it up like a Zen or Lucio ult. Just pop it when you get it as it’s nothing special. At least it comes round fast enough now.


Hot take: Mercy was never fun to play as to begin with. TF2 Medic but without any of the fun of surfing, ubersawing, crossbowing or pogo jumping with the quick fix.