Why we need Mercy back!

And your BattleTag made mine.



Stealing this gif. >.> <.<

I am sad you didn’t respond to my post earlier. In case you missed it…

You don’t have to respond but it would be a nice gesture =P

I have explained this many times in many Mercy-related threads across the forums

I use the word “factually” to clearly delineate a statement of fact from a statement of opinion


Factually, there is more water in pond A than in in pond B

the above is measurable, and ergo, can be demonstrated as a fact

In my opinion, the water in pond A is better than the water in pond B

better is a judgement, a value statement. Another person may disagree with me entirely, because in their judgement, the water is better in pond B. It is an opinion

Factually, I do not use the word factually in front of every sentence

[Sweating in CATCHPHRASE]


I try to read as much as I can but I have never seen you explain yourself (about the overuse of factually.)

I see that you are using it to differentiate fact from opinion, but methinks you need to try a thesaurus out =P It gets kinda stale reading it, makes you sound like a bot.

This is me commenting on something that doesnt really matter in the long run though so I wouldn’t blame you for ignoring this request XD

In all honesty, the way everyone on the forums is on the attack, any poster runs the risk of having their post nitpicked to death (sometimes word for word, line for line) for being too literal, or not literal enough, or for stating opinion as fact, etc. etc.

Like sometimes you come into a thread looking for discussion or loose talk and end up on the debate club.

You’d think most people would be able to differentiate hyperbole from measured statements but alas. NO.

Stating that something is opinion or fact unfortunately sometimes seems necessary depending on how many circles you want to run around the same topic day in and day out.

To be fair, most English teachers would have given the same advice.

Repetition often erodes quality. That’s why we have thesauruses.

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Oh I understand that. I was honestly just trying to get my thoughts on it out there without being rude. I didnt want to seem like I was attacking anyone so it’s better to ask there POV beforehand =P

And I also noticed that they were commenting on the overuse of emojis

Mercy is still here and rocking it if you do things other than hold down M1.


Tfw you have English degree and Proofread grammar for a living :joy:

Missed opportunity to spell “grammar” wrong though.

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But if I don’t just hold M1 and fly to the sky box I can’t run back to the forums and cry about how awful Mercy is.


In my opinion, I do not overuse the term.

In my opinion, I feel I underuse the term as I sometimes fail to use the term when stating facts, which causes confusion for some readers

Factually, I am not a bot, I am a human being

Factually, I am not ignoring it, rather, I disagree with it.


Factually, sometimes factual statements are a given… but that’s just my opinion. Or is it? I don’t even know anymore.

(I totally get why you do how you do, btw)

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My late father was an author/editor for Ibanez.

He had a great many opinions on the grammatical intricacies of the average guitar player…

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Factually, I was commenting on their inclusion at all, as I dont see how a blush emotion fits in any of the posts made by the poster in question

I feel like I walked myself right into this.

In my opinion, nothing I stated in any response to you constituted trolling

pls i was joking now i’m sad

i am sad now.