Why was Mama Hong so controversial?

Blizzard doesn’t make Omnic Heroes so you won’t have to worry about that.

What’s so bad about Man’s laughter?

Finally he can taste his own medicine

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The character design is seen as racist by non-asian white knights. It’s Apu from the Simpsons all over again. Or the show ‘Fresh off the boat’ that was seen as racist, but people didn’t know that the writer was Asian and the audience was mostly Asian.

God, i need to watch that movie again.


I’m watching it now its free on Crackle

Funny stereotypes aren’t necessarily racist. Such a hero would fit in well to the game. It just has to be implemented correctly.

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You just ignored valid arguments and denied that those stereotypes even exist for favour of your lies. Pathetic display of non-argument. You’re far more racist than that of anyone spreading those stereotypes negatively.

And yes. They are stereotypes. Especially indians working in tech. Even on TV this one is widespread (Such as The Big Bang Theory, or Silicon Valley) Stereotypes are not by default attached to negative connotations. So perhaps you just don’t understand the definition of stereotype.

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It’s 2019.

People get seriously offended by stereotypes.

Mama hong and jetpack cat for hero 31& 32

fricking frick everyone if they dont add em

dont care about controversy

This just made my night. LOL

People get seriously offended by everything nowadays.

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"Manslaughter’’ is the name of a crime in cerain countries like the UK. It’s when you kill someone by accident. Like how in america you have murder 1 and murder 2.

Had to google her, i dont see the problem

I would play her. If done right she could work as a hero. I also don’t understand how it is rascist - I am half Scottish and don’t find Willie from the simpsons rascist for example.

Mama Hong’s your text book stereotype

The whole cast is made of stereotypes

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People are overly sensitive nowadays

Because she’s simply to powerful even as a concept. We couldn’t begin to comprehend the glory of mama hong.