So who thought hanzos ult needed this busted buff?
It was Samito’s idea. I am not even being facetious. He actually requested this specific change.
Because dragonstrike has been useless outside grav combos since 2016.
Now i’m actually rewarded for thinking before using it instead of firing 7000 dragons a match that provide no value.
Lmao sure. Dragonstrike was never useless
It’s a very good change. It has been one of the worst ultimates in the game for years. It was actually one of the few offensive ultimates that couldn’t damage deployables. Even still, it is very easy to avoid.
he was so happy reading this. i think this is the first time samito isn’t tilted about ow
As long as people have the ability to you know… Walk, it’s damn near useless.
Nerfed damage, sped up (Was a nerf they claimed as a buff), and people can just walk out of it.
You have to combo it or it’s useless. It’s almost as useless as Deadeye.
the only reason they didn’t do this earlier is because the devs feared gravdragon. so they gave bap an antigravdragon.
Fear the OG wombo combo. Fear it!
I remember Surefour calling it an “extra fancy firework” lol
Looool. My favorite ones are when you headshot someone with the arrow, then wipe the team after with the dragon strike.
Just hear the Japanese line, DINK, and then the roar and elim sounds… Glorious.