Why was d.va nerfed?!

Than which heros played then? and when exactly? i’m really an ow esport fan, i don’t remember such a thing.
Of course sniper meta i know, but without dva, enlighten me.

I don’t get the complaining about D.Va either. On ladder she’s completely fine, Zarya is a much bigger problem imo.

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Technically it does because it eat all my bullets.

Other 20 should be able to fight against her somehow and baiting DM was hard because the 1 sec cooldown, dva still fine the nerf isn’t a big deal

You’re a bloody joke, you know that ? Pick a beam hero, you’ll notice DM doesn’t technically disable your gun.

I say, every 28 heroes other than Bastion should single-handedly melt Rein’s barrier in 4 seconds.

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Just shoot her in the back 4Head


It kind of does, depending on the map and comp, you don’t run dva on every scene. That’s also heavily dependant on the ranks as each of them has their preference.

Not to mention that Zarya is picked a lot precisely because of D.Va since she can eat a lot of other heroes weapon. And Sym isn’t tough enough to last.

What “interesting” ways your mind works…
“D.Va is worse than Zarya, that’s why D.Va needs to be nerfed.”


Dva is a problem for quite some time, and Zarya + rein is a lot manageable.

It’s when you add Dva, that’s when things become really hard. It’s not exactly hard to understand, and the pros is pretty much on that same page.

You’ve been complaining about boring mirror comps, you’re just going to continue to see boring Reinhardt-Zarya mirror comps, because every other tank just got made less viable to try to compete.

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Yeah, no, I’m done with you and your feelings.
Every single metric for the ladder and the pro scene has D.Va being worse than Zarya, yet somehow she needs nerfs, but not Zarya.
The only thing you have is “She eat muh ults and bullets!”
No wait, it’s “She disable muh gun!”

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Yeah. because frankly, the nerfs aren’t enough. There’s so much problems that need to be addressed.

We’re like just a half step there.

No, it’s because they’re ill thought through and terribly handled.

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It’s seems the feeling is whats get in your way. I also didn’t in favor of her nerf to begin with(i would rather just nerf brig), it’s just the most reasonable thing to do.

Sure, feelings get in my way. That’s why my entire reasoning is based on stats.

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I really wish for this to backfire and make her useless so people can see that balancing around pro play isn’t the way to go.
Rein and Ana have the highest pickrate on ladder but they didn’t even get touched.


When the pick rate of a hero is that high, it should probably tell you something about her value in the game.

That’s why my entire reasoning is based on stats.

Which stats?

Dva is freaking overtune considering her DM and capability to burst 200 hp heroes down. Your single moment of attack is 1 second while she can keep DM-ing and fire her missiles at you.

That it took this long, and considering that this nerf is long overdue. I’ll fully admit that it’s really the case of she eats bullets cause Dva is really good at it.

As for the stats where Zarya is better than D.Va in Dia+, these include:
Obj kills/game
Damage blocked/game
%Time on fire
And the most useless one, but I’ll add it anyway: Medals/game

Then it’s a good thing blizz is finally addressing the problem than side-stepping it.