Why the tanks of this game are overpowered?

I cannot understand why the people that plays overwatch doesn’t even know what’s the meta here
There are compositions that have development over time…

Have you heard about Ghost comp? 3 tanks and 3 supports, they crush control maps and 2 cp’s.

So let’s think, triple dps meta? Like… Never? Why a composition can have 3 tanks and do fine while having no dps hero? And no one EVER plays 3 dps? That’s because the tanks of this game have too much resources, they are way better than a 200 health character with no tools to survive…

And i CANNOT UNDERSTAND, why people KEEP ASKING HOG BUFFS, or Orisa or whatever else, come on… :angry::angry::angry::angry:

So tanks are op and we should make the other tanks better so every tank is op?
WE PEOPLE, NEED TO NERF REINHARD AND D.VA, yes because they deal a lot of damage, even more than a DPS player, and have more utility, look at guides please, tanks are the role with more agency on the game, followed by supports, a DPS means nothing without his team, DPS needs agency. We need reinhard and D.va nerfs. likely on the Reinhard attack speed reverted to 10% less and his shield regeneration lowered :man_student:
Being the most played on the game for months and no changes? Another mercy?

And before saying anything, could you answer with ideas instead of looking at attacking someone who wrote something that you didn’t like? Grow up dudes, no i’m not a DPS player and you can look at my profile, and don’t say “they nerf x because 0.001% percent of players abuse her” and then go to the forums and insult silver players like me ok? The vast majority of players are in Gold and bellow, have respect, nerf that 2 tanks so we don’t need to buff all the DPS, they are the problem, the other tanks are fine


The tanks aren’t overpowered, actually, some of them are quite weak.
Orisa, Roadhog, and Reinhardt kinda need buffs.


a lot of tank players have a severe inferiority complex despite the fact that a composition with 0 dpses is one of the strongest in the game


dude, reinhardt is your most played hero. nice bait.

Reinhardt needs a buff.


Reinhardt feels in a nice place. He feels like the strongest of all of them due to being able to have shield, do damage, get strong KOs off opportunistic attempts, and earthshatter exists.

No other tank can pivot as well as he can do.


Hog is terrible currently and needs buffs, that’s a fact. Tanks overall are fine though in terms of power, though playing them is not much fun these days thanks to Doomfist, Brig and Hanzo.


There’s only one problem when it comes to any of the tanks…
Sombra. She needs a nerf.
I wanna play as a tank, not a giant walking target.

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People overlook that comps like Goats aren’t all about the state of tanks but rather the state of dps and damage as a whole. Why are people going with triple tanks? Simple because there is a ton of damage overall in the game right now and going with more bulk is a possible way to deal with it.

There is alot that can come very close to if not one shot you if you are playing a squishy hero right now. Hell even as one of the tanks you don’t even last that long.

In conclusion Goats being popular doesn’t mean dps are bad or tanks are good it is more complex than that. Nerfing tanks won’t fix the struggles of low health heroes and how quickly they can die 1 vs 1 against there other dps which is part of the problem. You can be a great dps but if the opposing dps can kill you before you react with one to two hits it doesn’t really matter and I think that is a large problem at the moment.


t-tanks… overpowered… honey… no…


Goats comp not ghost comp


they aren’t overpowered

tanks survive because of the supports, they enable them so by having 3 healers they can keep up 3 tanks


Mid/late season 4.


You know this kind of response is just golden. 10/10.

The original poster just described the Goats composition and how a triple tank triple support setup is one of the best strategies in the game at the moment.

“But they kinda need buffs.” (No explanation given.)

It’s like the prime example of the original poster’s criticism: You’ll make statements about the strength of heroes regardless of the game state or balance.

Reinhardt is the single most picked hero at the moment. Roadhog is a very meta pick and extremely strong in Goats. The only one lagging behind is Orisa, but that’s likely because her stationary kit always struggles to find a place in the meta.


triple dps rushdown comps work at the highest levels of play though

  1. It’s called GOATS comp, not ghost comp
  2. NiP and GOATS triple tank comps were enabled by high healing in pre-nade nerf Ana and current Moira or triple support comps enabling tanks offensively. Those metas were support focused.
    The brief triple tank OWL double sniper meta was enabled by Hanzo/Widow/Halt+Hook one-shot abilities and Mercy/D.va being to only counterplay to those one-shots. That was based on interactions between the OP sniper DPS and OP Mercy with tanks just being slighty less vulnerable than other DPS.
  3. Rogue dominated the western scene with triple DPS dive for several months before the Mercy rework. Those comps have seen plenty of use outside the current meta.

Literally one minute too slow. I was just about to write that Rogue, one of the best Western teams for a long time, was (in)famous for their ultra-aggressive play and use of 3 DPS. There have been plenty of times in OW’s history when strong DPS play could absolutely dominate.


this has to be a troll right? didnt even get the name goat’s comp right


Triple dps was just a variation of dive bro

wat? roadhog is very meta right now? *laugh’s in roadhog" he is used in goats *double laugh’s in roadhog" ha ha ha ha thank you for the hard laugh


thats GOATS. Not Ghost.

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