Why the forum suddenly hate Widowmaker

Okay, when you answer an objective argument with patronizing personal “tips” (veiled ad hominem, treating the person as the object rather than the argument) I know it’s time to leave the troll thread.

What does that even mean?

It’s an example of when it might be practical to treat the symptoms. On the “trolling” accusation, admittedly, I sometimes enjoy my particular choice of language, which you are free to interpret however you choose. However, I dont do any of the following:

  1. to post inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments on (the Internet, especially amessage board) for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response.
  2. to upset or provoke (other users) by posting such messages or comments.
    That would go against the rules and I find the accusation provoking, inflammatory and upsetting.

Anyone trolling in low ranks can ruin fun, even without oneshots and with counters. I’ve seen incredibly oppressive McCrees, S76s, Genjis, Tracers, etc. I’ve even seen smurfing (or at least, playing far beyond their MMR) tanks and supports. Those smurfing Widow players would not be more fun to play into if they were on another hero; even if that hero had good, specific counters the huge skill advantage will let them walk all over you anyway.

I agree to an extent, but people have complained about her regularly, at least as long as I’ve been playing (2017). You’re right that there’s a reason why more people are complaining about her and that it should be discussed in greater detail, but when it comes to Widow there is a problem with correlating people’s frustration with her only to the state of the game or her pickrate. Like, if you assume that people only have a problem with her because they see her more often or she has more space to work, then it sort of ignores any discussion about her core design, how her character may be inherently frustrating by virtue of how her weapon works to a lot of people.

Characters like Widow make this discussion a lot more difficult because the real problem lies in her core design. If you felt the way I did, for instance, you’d think that the only real solution is to redo her entirely. And reworks in this game are problematic, unpredictable, and hugely unfair for the people that have played a character since the game’s release. So it’s not really a solution, but the problem is Widowmaker’s design. Hanzo’s design. Doomfist’s design. I can’t speak for everyone, but for me if the only discussion to be had here was about how they are in the game’s current state, it wouldn’t address the real problem: primary fire/low-CD OHKs don’t belong here.

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How do you know they’re actually smurfs and not just popping off? Aim can be very inconsistent sometimes.

chipsa and us followers shall one day rule this planet with a greasy fist

Basically that (doom, hanzo…)

The first tier and third tier of the map is effectively a sniper paradise.

The newer maps are very sniper friendly so we’re seeing more sniper play, people are tired of getting deleted.


Exactly this, 100% this

I’ve always read anti-snipers or widow posts actually. Just write “sniperwatch” or “widow” in the search box and you will find out.
Lately there’s been more talking about it because there are less talking about goats and Mercy main have given up after recent Jeff statements.

Forums needs a new victim for they hate and WidowMaker is free so…

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Basically this. Some people are in a perpetual state of angst and butthurt and they need an excuse.

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I can get into this, but then I think it comes more down to a matter of preference (and a difference of idea about what this game really should be, but this identity crisis that Overwatch has is a whole other beast). The problem with these kinds of things is really more that such a discussion can’t really have a conclusion, because you’re sitting with a dichotomy. Then it’s really up to Blizzard to make a choice and whatever choice they make, it will cost them a chunk of players either way. :man_shrugging:

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The one (big) FPS off the top of my head where Snipers aren’t hated is Apex Legends.

But that’s because Snipers are balanced around a far higher rate of fire than OHK potential.

The one Sniper which has OHK potential cannot OHK through an Epic Helmet + Shield AND it’s fairly uncommon since it’s only a chance to drop in random loot drops.

The other Snipers have a much higher rate of fire, but if you have even a level 1 shield, you can’t be OHK by them.

For even a fully upgraded Longbow, it’s closer to being on par with Ashe’s rifle in lethality than Widow’s rifle.

There are more. Some of the classics, like tf2 and the game i always mention, csgo. Even Halo1 had at least a little more respect for people who used snipers than ow has for widow mains.

Her current performance in GM.

Because forum always hates someone

right before that we had “Symmetra is bad buff plz” wave

The Junkrat player is a GM.

Widow hate was there before GOATS took over GM and it’s back right after GOATs definitively left GM and she took her top spot back.

It’s not a mystery. Nor is timing a weak link in the reasoning, even if they hadn’t complained before. The game is different than it was before, and as balance shifts things can become OP or UP because of indirect buffs/nerfs.