Why the devs have stopped talking

Insulting is not good and anyone who insults the dev team should be ashamed.

That being said, the devs aren’t inoocent in all this.

People aren’t just toxic for no reason (some are), bad balance and poor dev choices, lack of lore, no roadmap, lack of content in general (skins don’t really count) the list goes on.

People get restless, start getting desperate.

Toxicity is not good, but the devs need to step things up. Right now the only thing we know is coming is the Halloween event, and we don’t even know if it will be that good, after the summer game event and all.

So of course people are mad, balance is still up in he air, characters still aren’t viable, and answers aren’t anywhere to be found.

We are in this period where nothing is happening and everyone just wonders what blizzard is actually doing.

Instead of maybe teasing some massive content expansion, or big update that will change the way we play, we are left here thinking nothing will change and we are just going to get repeat events forever.

It’s both parties fault, not just the fan base.

(And it’s not all toxic here, a lot of people give constructive feedback that the devs should listen to, yet don’t)


because they play in a solo que mentality, and lack the coordination to shut down doomfist. he is nowhere near as bad in a team environment.

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I didn’t know you needed 10+ years of experience to tell whether a game is fun or not.

Every day is a school day.


I disagree, as the person who is first to call people out for being wrong, I cant find any fault on the devs with the way the community acts. they have literally given everything the community has asked for and still been treated badly.

in a solo que environment maybe. but not in a team que environment. my gm team got rolled in a scrim yesterday by a team using sym and reaper, 2 of the “worst” heros by forum standards.

would you post on the forums knowing all youll get is insulted and told your incompetent by players who haven’t worked in game balance a day in their life? the same players who complain about viability but don’t play the game like a team as they are supposed to?

you don’t need it to know if a game is fun, nor to know if its balanced actually, but you do need to actually what is and isn’t balanced before you start claiming it isn’t.


Like I said, the insulting is stupid and childish👌

But there are threads here that give great ideas and don’t get toxic.

They should at least pay attention to those. Or at least give the fan base something to hold onto😊

Imagine if hey announced some massive content update coming later next year, not much detail on it, but enough to get players to stay dedicated and look forward to something.

Instead they stay silent, not a very good move to be honest. Insults are stupid, but they can take criticism, or they should be able to at least👌

There are faults that need to be addressed, and it’s ok to admit mistakes.

We all should be able to do that

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So… like 99.9% of players.

When you start to talk about how people are ‘supposed’ to play a game you lose me a little. There are ways people do play the game and ways people don’t. The role of a good developer is to design win conditions around what people actually enjoy doing, not try and force them to have ‘their’ kind of fun.

the game is fundamentally designed to work around 6 man team comps coordinating to win objectives. Saying that its okay for players not to play like this, is like saying its okay for players to be mad because they have to shoot the enemy in a FPS

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Most FPS games are team based, but don’t require anything like the reliance on your team this game does.

Given that 99.9% of people are going to be solo queuing with randos, or playing with a mate, the emphasis put on it by this game is pretty far removed from reality.

most fps aren’t a moba hybrid either

not really. when you go into a raid with randoms in WOW you still have to coordinate to kill the raid boss, just like you need to be able to coordinate to win in Overwatch

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They stopped talking because the game is ‘finished’, by that I don’t mean dead, I mean there’s not a lot else to add.

The term ‘maintenance mode’ is kicked about; which is probably a bit harsh, but aside from maps and heroes - what else are they going to do?


maybe if they actually fixed issues in the game and actually played the game there wouldn’t be as much criticism.

It took them LITERAL years to fix certain bugs, they release overtuned heroes that take them months to fix, they ignore 90% of feedback on the PTR, they refuse to punish players that abuse the system and make ranked an awful experience to everyone, they do little to nothing to progress in game lore, little to nothing new is brought to the table around events, they’re just terrible developers.

I don’t understand how you can make a full time salary or even six figures+ in some cases while doing so little for a game they know nothing about let alone play.


The devs aren’t quiet because they dislike the community. In fact, bad behavior has prompted tremendous response from the devs in the past.

To be fair, a lot of games have zero feedback from devs, so we should be so lucky there’s even an official forum that receives official responses.

The devs are quiet because they’re hard at work on something they cannot disclose. It’s that simple. People crying out for balance changes or new content have zero clue what additions Blizzard is working on. OW is Blizzard’s current cash cow - they’re not going to let it die. Great things just take more time and they don’t want them to be spoiled/leaked.

Its been like 4 days since the last post by Kaplan. Have some patience holy ****.

Reminds me of a relationship I had where the person couldn’t go 5 minutes without needing to hear from me. Geez christ.

OW isn’t their cash cow. It was literally a salvage job from an abandoned project.

WoW is their flagship and will remain so for a very long time.

Blizzcon. That’s why.

Gm players are people that dont care to play the same stale meta and op heros each seassons.

I rember when i played cod bo2 long time ago and many “good players” play all days with only the broken weapons xd

Dont talk about balance plz.

Probably more than us :man_shrugging:

So we are supposed to praise them for dropping the ball and lack of communication on important issues? Otherwise they will be sad because we, the customer, are criticizing and calling them out on it? Then they will pout like an 8 year old because they can’t handle negative comments because of their inability to handle the situation. Got it.


Developers have guidelines on how they want their employees to interact with players. Blizz is an old gaming company, they like to keep a bit of a distance between devs and the playerbase. It’s due to a deliberate policy, not because they’re so fragile that they sulk over disrespectful threads for weeks at a time.

People screaming and complaining in the forums has become a common thing. Also the jobs of QA and mods are more psychologically stressful than some people realize.

Considering how badly people treat a random stranger on the forums, think about how badly some might treat employees. If it’s bad enough I might agree that it’s best to limit interactions with people on here.