Why tank players really want 6v6: The unspoken truth

It comes down to the old adage, “misery loves company”


I am a tank player, and I don’t “want” 6v6.

As a player of video games, on the other hand, I cannot deny reality. We can start with the concept of 5v5. The day Blizzard announced it, I said a few key things.

  1. There will always be 1 best tank.

So far, this rule has been followed without fail since the first season of Overwatch The DLCeequal.

  1. Because there will only be 1 tank fielded by each team, counter swapping will overwrite the skill of the tank player. It will change the skill requirement from being good at tanking for the team, into being well versed in the entire tank roster.

Again, this is now how you play the tank role in every bracket where you aren’t getting paid to play the game.

I don’t have the singular answer to fix tanking in Overwatch. I can tell you what I have seen over the course of 30+ years playing video games. Either tanks need to be crafted in a way where they are the sole owners of Crowd Control and represent the proverbial wall on the field. Or they need to be the bringers of destruction and count as 2 heroes controlled by one player.

There is no other balance that can be done without either making tanking feel like a aesthetic role, or having tanking be like playing a fat DPS hero. So far, Blizzard has tried the two aforementioned balance changes, and neither has worked. Kind of like many games from many companies before them.

I stand by my original statements. Going 5v5 was a bad idea, and no matter how bad an idea it was, we will never go back to 6v6. And, Blizzard does not have the ability to fix the issue they created.


I don’t get this take. If 5v5 is so trash then why don’t you want 6v6 back? Regardless if you believe Blizz will actually do it or not. Which they are now at least entertaining the thought of it. Could be another troll against the community like PvE though. If they would rather continue to run their game into the ground than admit an overdue mistake, I guess we will soon find out.

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The most direct way to break that the optimism for 6v6, is to give it to them.


Not far off, just better to have 2 big targets that can have each others backs over being the one big single target on the field.


Nah, tank players want 6v6 so they can one trick again. That’s literally all they want to do.

Just gonna be constant arguing over who plays shield again.

I’m a tank main, I don’t want 6v6.

OW1 was an awesome mash up of FPS and MOBA, now it’s 90% FPS. Ruined it


I mean, yeah, always better to have a partner in a sucky situation then be all on your own. It’s not like you find many Support players clamoring to solo heal either.

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OW1 was 0% moba. None of the what makes mobas unique are part of OW, at any point.

No leveling, no items, no creeps, no creep waves. None of the core moba mechanics are present in OW. Hero classes in shooters existed before mobas. Mobas are a subset of RTS games, which also have no relation to OW.

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I one trick in 5v5 perfectly fine, Dr. Tre. That’s definitely not a factor.

Isnt moba the type of game with top down view and autoaim for all heroes? I dont recall half of OW was like that

5v5 could’ve worked if the dev team actually stuck to what they said they were doing, once I saw Ana got to keep sleep dart I lost hope in the balance team.

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Tanking in OW1 surely was bad but it is nothing compared to tanking in 5v5.

Even if 6v6 returns, it won’t be enough to save the game though.

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I’m a former tank main that quit tank because of 5v5. I would go back to tanking if 6v6 returned. I do miss playing tank, but the constant counter swapping and excessive focus you get as a tank is just too frustrating to deal with every single game.

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I suspect it has to do with some misguided notion that tanks will “cover” for each other. Which wasn’t my experiance in middle ranks. One guy would pick main tank (usually me) and the other would play 3rd DPS.

But thats what people want because at least one tank is having fun. This is why 6v6 arguments are kinda dumb. Playing main tank in 6v6 is very little different from playing solo tank in 5v5, but the advantage is that you get to have fun sometimes when your random elects to play the unfun tank for you I guess…

If the present format sucks and the past format wasn’t good either, then we should try something new. This nostalgia bait conversation is well past the point of being old.

Combination of

  • less countering
  • wanting immortality (second tank covers for them)
  • liking boring tank play (might be harder to survive but they’re more fun to play now)

Tanking in OW2 sucks for just one reason: 2x times of pressure to perform with only half of agency.

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I don’t want 6 vs 6, nobody will take Doomfist away from me.

Well tanks are pretty fun…

if you don’t like playing fps games