Why Sym will never be in Meta

The game team should be constantly evaluating balance and making changes that are actually needed because a hero is unbalanced. But making changes to a hero because their pick rate is too high or too low is not my idea of responsible game balance. Symmetra’s pick rate is very low right now. We could make changes to make her a “must pick” in the meta (and thus shifting the meta) but I feel like, if anything, I am concerned about Symmetra’s balance and worried that when she does eventually make her way back into the meta she is not balanced properly. So to summarize: balancing heroes who are unbalanced is good, balancing heroes just to make them picked more or picked less is not good (in my humble opinion).

This is a quote by Jeff from last year.
Saying he designed Sym to specifically remain forever in Z Tier.

We know syms Pickrate is low, and we could make changes to improve it, but decided we will try our level best to make sure it #1 from the bottom when Sym 3.0 Launches! We are dedicated to make sure she is the worst possible Hero in every Meta possible!

We love Limbo and we wanted to see how low can we go! Limbo!
After all we know Symmetera is very flexible. :heart_eyes:


I find it astounding they haven’t fixed her yet its like they hate Sym xD.


Jeff’s point

Your head


You mean he is so bad at what he does he can’t even hit a 7 foot tall man?


Sym is perfectly fine.

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This is why i didnt want the rework

She aint getting picked more anyways so might as well let me have fun with her


question, who would she pair with, because that is kinda all that matters, if she doesn’t combo well with anyone, then…she just wont be meta, because every previous meta had its picks comboing with eachother

Pickrate dropped winrate dropped still not used in OWL… yer great rework


That is because of how phenominally bad her kit is.
They literally have no idea what they are doing with her.

Remember how they advertised her? She was suppose to pair well with anyone according to them.

  • You have D.Va? You can use her TP to D.va Bomb!
  • Have a Torbjorn? You can put a Turret through the Teleporter!
  • You have a team stuck in Zaraya bomb? Drop a TP that takes 2s to spawn!

It was the deliberate implementation of terrible ideas to make sure she is the worst meta pick in every possible scenario in the game.

We know it is deliberate because they said they could make changes to make her in Meta. Instead they made changes to make sure she never fits in any Meta. This is a premeditated murder confession in that post.

I honestly found it so hilarious and fun to nano/Mercy pocket Symm 2.0. Just watching her beam down the enemy.

One game on Eichenwalde, I solo Mass Ressed my friend playing Symm and watched her get a 5K on the enemy. We were DYING with laughter watching the PotG.

I miss that kind of fun with Symm. Maybe I didn’t play her, but I had fun playing with her. This Symm, not so much. She’s just frustrating to play with. :confused:


Awfully presumptuous of you, also as someone else pointed out.

The thing that really makes my rage is that Sym 2.0 was SO CLOSE to being a viable pick in ALL situations it honestly hurts with ONE change her vibality would of skyrocketed how you ask? let her stop her barriers flight, Sym 2.0 combod so well with a Orisa barrier if she could make her own she would of been much more reliable

It also would of helped fix her biggest issue community perception if she could shield her team all the time people would start to like her even those filthy Hanzos


You and Clueless seem to share the same level of understanding.
Data doesn’t lie.

He made the post last year indicating Sym had a Low Pick rate.
This year Sym 3.0 was released resulting in a lower pick rate.

It is not presumption when backed up by data.
Or am I lying that Syms pick is lower than last year?

Pretty clueless of you.

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Either way she’s bad not niche just terrible
2.0 or 3.0
I do enjoy 3.0 more tho

I prefer 2.0 tbh

We need more builders and other creative playstyles

She’s still a builder and with new turrets and tp you can have creative playstyle or at least new flank routes

The tp beeing limited time kind of kills the “builder” thing

Jeff’s point was that there’s a difference between popularity and balance.

Symmetra 3.0 may not be more popular, but she is a stronger and better Hero. Anyone who says otherwise is honestly kidding themselves.

There. Now you’re informed.


Ffs dude let me spell it out for you, Jeff’s point was low pick rate doesnt correlate to unbalanced and he doesn’t agree with making a hero a must pick just so they’re played more because that’s terrible balancing, so again

And your “stats” sombra also had a small pick rate and plenty of people that said after her rework how terrible she is but low and behold she’s a strong pick. Then we have all the people swearing tracer is opaf them one character gets added and shifts the meta so hard she became a troll pick. Stop looking at everything in a vacuum and use some common sense, OW isn’t that simple. Also FYI pickrates and win rates haven’t been reliable since private profiles because the vast majority of players have their profiles private.

Drawbacks to everything ask a buff to uptime and deployment time