Why soj isnt getting nerfed

Why theyre balancing around the elos that think dps moira is a good strat and that bastion is still op is beyond me but go off ig


Besides, didn’t they always balance around top players?
Why the sudden change of mind when it comes to Sojourn?

All the new bronze players trying the game i imagine

They want to see great dps plays from her in the Overwatch League and increase their revenue. They don’t care about anything else.

Soj in lower ranks isn’t really much of an issue. Soj isn’t really OP in the higher ranks either, she is just in every game. If Soj didn’t exist, you’d probably see Widow/Genji instead of Soj/Genji.

Soj is only a problem for the top 1% of players

They literally said they buffed her because the pros couldn’t land their shots.

Also isn’t she mostly a top pick in top 500?

Yeah when no one in low elo can aim well i imagine that

bs she is dominating in all my matches mid gold

They never did. If they actually did then GOATS wouldnt have run the game for 2 years

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Thats just not true. Cause she was actually nerfed before beta 1 cause she was stupidly broken.

Pretty much must pick in masters+. Not sure if shes a must pick in diamond but im sure shes played alot


She’s borderline must pick and filling over 75% of the Top 500 slots.

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Sounds like they havent come up with changes yet that keep her identity like they said, while nerfing her for the top end, but buffing for most players.