Why smurfing is worse than cheating

For starters, I don’t really mind smurfs, if you want to rank up you’ll face their main eventually. I’m making this because I want to point this out

Think about it, most cheaters are dumb as heck, yeah their aim is good but who cares?You can watch Samito’s hacker hunt, it shows that most of them are bronze w/o hacks. Just play double shield or something. They’ll get banned eventually.

Smurfs on the other hand, don’t get banned, know how to play angles, compared to their own ranks movement, your movement/positioning is trash so hitting shots is gg ez for them, and they’re game-smart.


People just need to ask themselves, “Why was the smurf able to roll me so easily?”

Watch the replays and learn about all of the mistakes you made that they exploited.

You can’t get rid of smurfs. They aren’t going anywhere. Might as well learn from them.


Why did Magnus Carlsen beat me so easily in a game of chess? Because he is multiple ranks higher than me and I’m not ready to play at that level. Just like nobody on my team has the tools to deal with a smurf or else we would be the same rank as the smurf on our mains.

If you’re in gold playing against a Widow you shouldn’t have to respect him like he is Carpe with perfect positioning. Doing so would give you a lot less value because gold widows aren’t supposed to click on your head every time you peek a corner. The only mistake that needs to be fixed is smurfs not getting banned.


I just think people who get mad at smurfs don’t like hearing the one real answer on how to deal with them.

Get good.

This can be viewed as toxic, but it’s really just the truth. You won’t have to deal with smurfs if you get better at the game.

[Post edited by Forum Moderator to remove toxicity.]


Yes but at the same time if someone steals my wallet the first question shouldn’t be “did you leave your wallet out?”


Smurfs are just annoying. If they bother you so much that you view it as crime, that’s on you.

They shouldn’t be in those games in the first place. If you think it’s fair to say that I should have to beat a diamond player to win a game while in anything below plat then that’s on you.


Between the masters lvl smurfs, cheaters, throwers, toxic team mates, and the Masters lvl players who purposely threw thier SR to bronze, its litterally IMPOSSIBLE to rank up at all


Part of ‘getting good’ is learning what to expect of your teammates and opponents in your rank. People who climbed to masters in early seasons, before smurfs were actually a problem, got to experience the best of the game in a fair environment and learned to play on the basis they could rely on their teammates.

Developing the same skills without a comparable practical environment to test them in is not the same task. Smurfing(and boosting for that matter) harms player development by destroying stability within a rank. In a fair ladder, you can gradually improve alongside your teammates. In the current ladder, you might be playing with/against silver-quality players one game, and platinum the next, while in gold. Never mind if you’re on tank during off hours, you could be in a platinum game with diamond quality players or a silver game with bronze quality players while sitting in gold yourself.

Neckbeard might be able to play 16 hours a day and be able to adapt to this mess, but people who play on a more casual basis are still capable of improvement over time if given a stable environment to do so. Poor ranking accuracy, smurfing, cheating, and boosting deny them this opportunity.


They have said that smurfs will get to the rank they are suppose to be at quickly. That has proven to be false. They can hang out in bronze and throw a few matches play god more for a match, Throw a few more matches and rinse and repeat. For $15 they can troll many players and if the account gets banned well they just buy a new account.


I don’t really hate smurfs. I pity them actually. They have frail ego, no one praises them in their real rank, they can’t easily win games there and they’re terrified of losing a small bit of sr. Needing to make several accounts for an ego boost is quite sad, possibly showing a lack of real life achievements and making it up with virtual e-points.

I’m quite happy even though I’m in low sr. I don’t need to ‘‘own some bronzies’’ to feel good about myself.


I agree with you. Is it not good sportsmanship to let the plebs play together? Why do little boys burn ants? Your logic is childish at best and borderline psychotic if nurtured. Good luck out there. Jail is real too.


This seems a bit harsh. I’m just saying you can work around the issue with self improvement.

I will admit he over exaggerated the comments a little bit, but there is “some” logic to what he is saying.

I definitely understand “get good.” To rank up, you should be capable of playing the next rank up. But it’s also been displayed many times that barrier games are a thing.

To rank to gold, you should be capable of playing from 1750-2250… To get to Diamond, you should be able to play from 2750-3250…

But this statistic desperately drops as you get closer and closer to 4000 where the skill graph drops the bell curve and turns into an exponential curve…

My point is, playing with people within your skill range and learning to out perform them is how you improve. It makes sense to spend longer durations in certain ranks due to trying to outplay stronger players but that’s not the same as being stuck due to playing against players 2-3-4 levels above you.

The grind from Plat to Diamond was honestly my worst gaming experience and I’m glad I will not have to care ever again… So many smurfs boosting so many accounts.

All of them acting toxic and superior simply because you got a couple good kills on them so they focus you the rest of the game and then ridicule you with GG EZ, trash player, etc…

Dayum bro… You dat mad that a lower player outsmarted you?! :joy::joy: I think we know who the sensitive and easily offended are…


Just because your team has a smurf doesn’t mean you win. I’ve learned that the hard way. Smurfs are just as susceptible to their team dragging them down as the rest of us

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They are also very prone to hard throwing if their team doesn’t immediately switch to pocket them/play exactly what they want.


Haven’t seen that. So far my experience has been that someone always acts like an anchor to the backpack. I have seen a lot of tanks throw tho because the DPS won’t play whatever hero they demand them to.

Apparently much less than $15, using key exchange sites or taking advantage of currency differences or something, I’m not sure of the details exactly, but more than one habitual smurf has mentioned that they pay less than $7.


problem i have with smurfs isn’t so much that they are good players. more that they unbalance the teams.

as a supports main, i’ve been up to master, where the game dynamic is different, i dodge dps ults and counter them, play angles.

but if my dps is plat and the opponent is a diamond smurf. no matter how much i avoid them and empower my dps, we still get rolled.

i can play against diamond/masters, but not with plats/golds


The issue with smurfs is that you’re facing them when you’re not on equal footing because their main is (usually) much higher SR.

They have an unfair advantage because they’re playing in ranks much lower than where they truly are, and according to Blizzard anything that gives an unfair advantage is cheating.