Why removing General chat?

removing general chat it’s not a good thing at all! sometimes I enjoy communicating with the enemy more than my team!


I thought general chat referred to the main menu chat?


aaah i thought it was the match chat xD nevermind my bad !
it’s the match chat
thank anyways !

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I hope it does, but I don’t know if it does.

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I’m gonna say the amount of times I saw match chat being used in a positive way has been relatively limited. Whereas I have seen it pretty consistently used to trash talk, antagonize, and attempt brigading.

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hm… honestly for me, that’s kind of a bummer. I’ve actually made friends with people just from chatting in general and getting along with them.


At least when people flame in match chat, it’s about the game.

General chat is literally just the trash that couldn’t cut it on 4chan.


i try to use it for good heck i tried giving a newbie some encouragement as they wasnt sure what they was doing as they was new to the game

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I’m not saying it never happens… but I feel and observe that its overall negative impact outweighs its positive.

Most of the console players I spoke to think it was probably the worst thing they ever got.

nvm guys i thought it was the match chat
i’ve never used general chat xD so they can take it anyways !

Really? For me match chat was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less toxic than team chat lol.

im trying to be a better player like ive had 2 accounts banned due to anger issues and this account has had 2 suspensions but time away from people who turned me into something twisted has helped me to try and calm down even with the toxic people around which honestly has cuased me to have a mental breakdown sometimes and i like stress out

… I think we can do away with team chat too :rofl:


Weird how people complain about the 00000.09% moments, where a feature had a positive experience, so they want to keep it in.

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Best idea they had . I only ended against “ez” players and ones that where insulting each others

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Wouldn’t surprise me if they remove it too, but match chat is where 99% of my positive experiences have taken place in OW. Sure, people are still Richards more often than not, but it’s still significantly better than team chat :sweat_smile:

Only time I use it is after 2 rounds of missing every shot, I finally get a kill and type “god gamer” at the enemy team. Makes me laugh.

It was cursed as hell tbh

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This is my experience as well. Though I will admit I type about bacon more than I should in match chat, and have started large discussions on food.

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‘General’ chat is the white channel you see outside of matches. You’re thinking of ‘Match’ chat, which they haven’t said anything about.