You’re almost right, and I’m not necessarily going to disagree with you, but you misused a word there.
I think you meant to say “One tricking” instead of “Maining”. I can play every hero at AT LEAST a mid plat level, most heroes are probably around high plat/low diamond, and I personally believe my Junkrat game play is fairly close to masters level ( strictly cause I’ve got almost 1000 hours in the hero). I still enjoy heroes like Ashe, Doomfist, Genji, etc.
You’re accusing me of One Tricking when in fact I am maining, a OTP is usually at least 3 ranks worse on other heroes while I am only 1 - 1 1/2 ranks worse.
hey you keep doing you. I will say, since your account is on the switch… that’s probably part of what’s failing you. you’re playing against other console players with higher FPS, and honestly the switch runs this game terribly. It was fine when it was only switch… but the introduction of PS and Xbox made the game unplayable for me on that platform. I used to like to play on the train… (not comp) and comp on my couch instead of where my PS is set up. you probably haven’t changed the way you play… you’re going up against higher platform players.
Which is no surprise as until about Diamond hero choice does not matter much, because players do mostly not know how to exploit their weaknesses, and sometimes to exploit weaknesses teamwork is necessary which is basically nonexistent in this game.
So what happened to you is entirely expected. By playing mainly a niche and easy exploitable hero you can reach a plateau where you still can win games with your FPS skills, but start to fail once teamwork is going against you.
Just because you don’t see your mistakes doesn’t mean you aren’t making huge ones. The fact that you don’t see them is precisely why you are in the rank you are in. If you knew what they were you wouldn’t be there.
Are you ready for it? Here are your Junkrat stats.
Hero damage per 10: 8,697
Elims per 10: 16.67
Final blows per 10: 10.86
Deaths per 10: 7.32
Elims per life: 2.28
This is why you are ranked where you are. If anything, these stats say you should continue going lower.
Yes, but also no. I don’t think you realize how heavily stats depend on the other players on your team. Are your tanks making enough space for you to do enough damage for your dps per 10 to increase? Are your supports healing your tanks enough to enable them to make that space? Is your off tank marking flanks so you and your supports don’t get 1 clipped by a tracer? Does your mercy understand how to play main healer when we have a zen vs pocket healer/damage booster when we have a moira? If not, your stats aren’t going to accurately portray what your “potential” is, they’re just going to portray what your team is enabling you to do (or holding you back from doing). As long as I am doing my job of making the space in front of my tank dangerous, peeling for my supports if needed, and taking care of enemy threats, I’m doing my job whether my stats are being enabled or not, if I can’t win a game, it is most likely not my fault as long as I am doing those things at a proper and consistent level.
So you’re saying, essentially, that there’s no way rank could be substantially improved – by anyone – no team of developers, no data scientists, no statisticians; Blizzard has essentially put together something that represents the zenith of what human beings are capable of in this area. Ranked competitive is as about as good as any competitive environment could be.
No, you didn’t. You missed the point by having a bit too much fun with the hyperbole. I could give you a host of reasons why I think the competitive environment sucks and how it could be improved.
Doesn’t seem like an engaging conversation though,
Oh ok, so when you say for instance, “I don’t even think they can be accurate with how inconsistent people are and how many different and incompatible playstyles are viable” what you really meant is there’s multiple ways to substantially improve said accuracy and improve matchmaking. I totally get it now. You’re doing the whole up-is-down, have it both ways things, double-speak thing. Cool, cool.
Blah blah blah … look at your own mistakes… not your teammates.
Blah blah blah… you are the only consistent variable in your games…blah blah blah
But the reality is… the player base has dropped off a cliff. Especially actual tank players. Most everyone has said to themselves either “$#@% this game” and quit, or switched to playing only DPS.
Which has resulted in 3 things.
1 - a much smaller pool of players in competitive , increasing competition as it mostly the mid to low ranks that quit en masse.
2 - abysmal tank play (dps mains farming tickets)
3 - a leftward adjusted shift of the bell curve of player rank distribution. You will notice that the DPS in your games are roughly the same skill level as before… you are just 500SR+ LOWER than previous seasons.
The biggest mistake you’re making is: feeding the trolls.
Obviously it is possible to play perfectly, and still lose. That’s true across all games – online and offline. More commonly, it’s possible to play near-perfectly and lose. Sure, there are always things you can find in a VOD that suggest ways to improve, but largely VOD reviews are worthless because (aside from professional coaches) the reviewers usually don’t consider what’s possible to know in real-time. It’s easy to be an armchair quarterback when the match is over and you can slow it down and see every detail. Aside from that, posting VODs for review in these forums is troll crack. They’re just going to tell you that you suck and that no one is cheating… even if you posted a T500 replay or a cheat promo video. Don’t feed the trolls.
You don’t know your teammates, you don’t know the other team, and you don’t control the matchmaker. Ultimately you must learn to have fun regardless of your comp rank and match quality. Otherwise you’re wasting your time.
Lol, now you’re clutching your pearls? I asked you a question to see if I had your argument correct. And my question was worded in such a way to point out the problematic subtext in your statement (which was essentially, “Blizzard is handling this situation about as well as anyone could be expected to handle it”), pressing you to either pivot away from this assertion or double down. You responded with snark and sarcasm.
Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.
I’ve already pointed out your duplicity, so there’s not much left to say.
Moreover, what arguably matters most is how well you’re playing relative to the lobby, not how far your play deviates from perfection; and VODS will always focus on this latter point, labeling play that could and perhaps should be sufficient to climb (in a better, fairer system) generally deficient, putting the onus/blame back on the player. A VOD review in the context of the “great ongoing debate” stands a good chance of being biased and prejudiced.