Why ranks are inaccurate, IMHO

I agree but I gotta qualify this with “only when near my expected sr”. I still think carrying on a smurf is easy. But near my usual rating even in competitive it can be very hard to clutch games. Especially when I have to overcome compositional and playstyle differences. Again easy when smurfing but if you asked me if it’d be a lost game trying to play on a team with hog zarya into double shield bap zen echo and cassidy I’d say yeah it’s probably gg go next, I’m not clutching that. That’s not even a outlandishly cherry picked example either, sometimes that’s the hand you’re dealt in competitive.

It’s one of the things I hope 5v5 eases without also simultaneously ruining the feel of OW that I like.


I guarantee you make as many mistakes as your teammates do, otherwise you would climb. But the problem is you think you are doing the right things and because of that you have a hard time noticing when you make bad decisions.


True, and matches like that won’t hold back good players because they’ll still climb from winning other games that are winnable. But it’s when you get in almost unwinnable games that probably is unwinnable no matter which hero you swap to, just feels unrewarding, tilting, time wasting, effort wasted etc. I’m hoping 5v5 will increase the solo carry potential for every role as well.

Oh and one more thing about this game that’s not as rewarding. Even if you’re popping off and are being the hard carry of your team as DPS, nobody bats an eye at your performance at all. I don’t know if it’s because your teammates aren’t paying attention to the kill feed or they just don’t care about winning. But there’s just lack of enthusiasm coming from players, at least in my region (OCE).


See but that’s the thing, I am trying to work with my team mates, I kindly ask my rein to push high ground, multiple times, only to realize he isn’t in voice or just wants to swing his hammer. Okay that didn’t work, well, my dad was a drill sergeant and people do what he says, lets try that. So I get a little toxic and start being a little more demanding rather than asking. Oh now they start using their mic and talking to me, only to say how I’m some rude a-hole who should just ask nicely or kill the pocketed soldier myself without any other resources, like man I’ve already tried those two things, it doesn’t work, I NEED your help in this “Competitive” and “Team Based” game.


I actually get this a lot on tank and support on NA. A lot of people don’t understand the impact those characters have because they don’t show up rapid fire in the killfeed (usually). Some of them do but most don’t, at least not very often.

It doesn’t matter how hard I carry on support or what the circumstances are. Nobody really notices or says “smh smurf ana” or “smurf lucio” (although to somewhat counter my own point, a lot of people are good at spotting a reddit lucio who frags). Perhaps I just haven’t played enough games and it’s that I haven’t put enough attention towards it but… I DUNNO. :laughing:


So… did you read my entire post? I included the fact that I vod/replay review with the intent of nitpicking myself and trying to get better, and scientifically people are naturally harder on themselves than other people are towards them.


AI could help somewhat. AI is a misnomer – it is neither artificial, nor intelligent. It is purely a matter of analyzing existing data, identifying patterns and trends, and projecting them into the future. In the old days it was called “predictive analysis.” The only thing that has changed in this field in the past two decades is computing and storage power – the ability to collect and analyze a larger volume of data.

Email spam filters are AI. They analyze millions of known spam emails, and based on that data they can detect new spam messages with a high degree of accuracy.

The whole house of AI cards collapses under two conditions: bad data, and new data. Spam emails still get by now and then when they don’t match enough of the old patterns. Ironically a spammer could use AI to generate unique messages from various servers, and stand a good chance of defeating most of the filters.

Back to Overwatch. Blizzard could identify a reasonable number of matches where both teams, one team, or even one player had a perfect game by reasonable human standards (no inhuman stats like 100% crit accuracy). Not just stats, but also map pathing, group composition, ult usage, team play, countering, and resource management. The best way to do this would be to take OWL replays from the team that wins the championship each year, and eliminate low-performing outliers. The AI analysis of those replays will represent the best of the best – people who should be in the top 50. Other playoff-caliber OWL team replays could fill out the next tier, and so on for the lower-ranked OWL teams, then Contenders. Then for the bottom 500, Blizzard could easily find replays of known-new players, or create a private focus-group-like project to find 100 completely new-to-FPS players, then use 20 of their replays to train the “bad player” data model.

From that, AI could identify players that perform more toward the top or the bottom of the ability spectrum. Here’s what’s crazy: Blizzard probably already does / did exactly what I just described. They certainly have patents for it, and it’s not difficult to implement. But like I said: this all is sabotaged by bad data and new data. You can’t make “balance changes” without rebuilding all the AI models, which is very expensive, so I doubt it’s been done in a long time. You also can’t use cheaters or unqualified new accounts as reference points – new accounts are not new players, and cheaters are not good players (and Blizzard is one of the worst game developers for cheat detection). The whole system is also thrown off by private groups (stacks of any size), which will always outperform each group member’s individual solo-queue stats (aka “boosting”).


Yes I did read it and the answer remains same.

You THINK you are mostly doing correct decisions and because of that it’s hard for you to find the mistakes you make.


“I obviously make mistakes” (From my original post)

Yup, I totally think I’m mostly doing correct decisions, you got me /s


Yet you also say that its hard to find mistakes that would help you win

This will make your entire team play worse. It’s the best way to actively ensure that you will lose matches. And it’s not always something that you notice, but if you are tilted (feeling like you have to enter a drill sergeant mentality and being toxic enough that you recognize you are being toxic) and you tilt your teammates (who then hop into voice and start arguing with you), each of you is now expending more energy being annoyed and angry and arguing with each other that cannot be spent on the game.

OW is an incredibly complex system. Humans are notoriously bad at processing complex systems. Anything that diverts processing power from actively engaging with the game will decrease performance.

Knowing this is not enough, however, you will need to come up with a system that can help you remain untilted and that can help you halt the process of tilting your teammates before it starts.

My recommendation would be to come up with a phrase you can think to yourself in the moment- something like, “I’ve come back from worse,” or, “if someone said that to me would I get tilted,” or, “let’s just try [whatever the other person suggested] for this next push/defense.”

Two other approaches that might help- if I notice something that needs to be done, I have to take responsibility for doing it if my teammates won’t. Junk may not be the best option for dealing with hitscan across the map, for instance.

The second is phrasing your proposed course of action as a question rather than a command. If I want my tanks to take high ground, I can say something like, “Should we take high ground to deal with this soldier?” This trips a different part of most people’s brains than something more declarative. Most people will respond better if they think they had an opportunity to participate in the decision.

Good luck!


You’re right, I have come back from worse… when my team mates listen while I’m still nice and don’t force me to go toxic. And no, I wouldn’t get tilted, if I’m playing poorly, for the love of god correct me, I want to get better, is that not the point of competitive play? The strive to be better and get better? And who said other people were suggesting things, usually the reason I have to make a call in the first place is because no one is suggesting anything and we’ve already run it down mid 3 times, I try to give the Rein a chance to make his own decision.

No one said I didn’t switch off Junk, Doom fist - don’t receive enough resources and get blamed for going too deep, Tracer - damaged boosted helix rockets aren’t a happy sight, Widow - Yeah good luck hitting a straffing soldier 76 when your tank isn’t giving you any high ground or proper space to work with.

Phrasing isn’t the issue, like I just mentioned, I start off trying to let them figure it out themselves, then I’m very nice about, I’m very calm and not at all demanding, guess what, those methods rarely if ever work.

I really appreciate you trying to give me tips, but you’re just reiterating things I’ve already mentioned that I do anyways.


The main bit was to never get tilted. Tilted players carry that across games. It’s the quickest way to rank down. If you already aren’t ever getting tilted then carry on, my advice doesn’t apply.


Yes, funny how I’m looking for them, yet I can’t find them. I want to find mistakes, I want to improve, I want to be better at Overwatch, I want to be able to solo carry as much as gosh dang possible. I understand risk/reward, I try to use what space my tanks gave me (if any), I stay within my supports LOS as much as possible, I have decent awareness and games sense i.e Ult Tracking, Knowing when there’s a flanker, ability cooldowns, etc.

I am not trying to brag, but every time I go through a replay I check these things and more when I watch myself, and 9 times out of 10 I’m spot on with ult tracking and ability usage and checking los with my supports and staying behind my tanks and making the space they created dangerous, and taking large risks for high reward when we’re losing a crucial team fight etc etc

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One thing worth noting is that the better one is (at any given endeavor) the more mistakes they will notice in their performance. For instance, the best OW players on the ladder, will spot mistakes in their play immediately after a lost game. They’ll even mention them on stream. I could have done this better. Or I should have done that.

The response from chat is generally to go against this tendency. “No,” they’ll say, “You were great; It was your teammates that held you back.”

This dichotomy is responsible, in large part, for differences in performance. The better one is, the more they will notice minute mistakes in their own performance that that those less skilled will miss. They just see more opportunities for improvement. Consequently, they improve more.

It’s not just in competitive fpses either. It’s true in any endeavor. The best skill to develop is the ability to spot the tiniest of errors in one’s own performance.


Mains Junkrat … complains about losing SR.

Find the error.


Made me think of yesterday when our Ana ran past our rein into the enemy team and got picked.

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Well… I found an error, only it was in your argument, not my post.

If I used Junkrat to climb up to 3400 in the first place, why, while I’m still using him, would I drop so low. (and no, my climb wasn’t during hero bans when Phara got banned)


Artificial: made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

It kinda seems like it is Artificial Intelligence. AI is technically already helping that’s what pbsr is currently doing. It kinda works but uve also had it screw me over with particular characters

If you do stuff like that you discouraged player ingenuity and are basically saying that there’s only one way to play the game or that they’re staying ways to do it right and that other ways may be wrong.

AI is currently not effective at it because it uses pure logic. Stuff like what we condider value and what would work with human strategy, are abstract concepts. The reason they come so easy to us because our mind has the ability to think in the abstract and thus we can make these calculations very quickly but logic-based systems have to go do all these through all these loops to try to imitate such a thing. Logic can eventually understand the concept but it just takes so much more to do and I doubt that blizzard was going to invest all that resources into making the AI like that

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First of all “maining” a hero is stupid in the first place, not because of any heroes strength or weaknesses, but you are missing out so much from the game from not playing the other 20something heroes.

Second Junkrat is one of the situational heroes that works great in some cases and very poor in others.

If you really wanna “main” a hero and leave out the fun the rest of the heroes bring you, you should at least take a hero that works decent to good almost everywhere.

It is very possible that you simply got enough games in a row where Junkrat was a great choice with a much lower number of games where Junkrat does not work. Especially if this was before the SR per game have been halved you could easily climb or fall a rank or two in a very short time.

But over the time with enough games, this simply averages out and you will get where you truly belong.