Why pro play balance shouldnt matter

From what I have heard not many people even watch OWL. I do not relate to them and neither do other people who ask for separate balancing. The pro game is nothing like what we see on ladder. I do not know how they justify changes made to OWL to effect ladder play too.


Youā€™re implying those characters are good above Gold.

Also tbh, Iā€™ve been working on an alternative to a Ban system, based on a concept put forward by a Top500 Junkrat player.

Pick system, instead of Bans

All ranks matter. I mean it should be hero-dependent.

Sadly, the devs made not all heroes are equal practically. Some are niche and some are intended to be only good at mid/low tiers. Those heroes normally donā€™t work well/niche at high tiers but quite op at low tiers.

If those heroes are balanced around GM/T500, then they should be buffed. Then what would happen at low tiers? The game balance there would be completely ruined and even mid tier games also can become garbage. So, the devs should also look at mid/low tier games when balancing.

Actually, I donā€™t like to have intended niche/noob heroes and think all heroes should be equal. But it would make all heroes become equally (mechanically)difficult. Blizz donā€™t want that apparently.

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Thatā€™s not what that means at all

That means buff characters like Orisa and stop buffing characters like Rein

Rein has been getting buffed and his competition nerfed because he sucks in high tier play. This makes the rest of the game feel like trash.

Iā€™m not implying anything Iā€™m outright saying that all three of them are some of the strongest dps picks until at least Diamond. If theyā€™re played situationally their power increases significantly further too.

The argument also applies to dps heroes too. Dont be selective.

If youā€™re referring to sombra, like genji her main issue is that too much power of her kit lies in her ult. Nerf her ult and buff her base kit.

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Yes, and that doesnā€™t mean nerf characters like Junkrat either. Heā€™s good, but not dominant.

The point of focusing more on general play than high tier play is so that we can make the game more fun rather than more competitive.

People arenā€™t top 500 forever. Iā€™ve known people who hit top 500 once for like a day and never been there since.

Junkrat is niche, he isnā€™t good on average but he has like 1 or 2 maps where heā€™s god tier.

I agree with this. As it stands, there has been very little, if any, consideration for low ranks in regards to balance.


And how big % of players who did it?

Around 1%. The majority of players donā€™t have the drive to achieve that as it takes significant time investment to learn and improve to that level.

It is achievable, whereas OWL level coordination with 5 random players is not.

Itā€™s reasonable, because these people earn money for the company. If they donā€™t want to see Sombra, Blizzard will make sure of it.

Tbf i donā€™t think this is the main problem but wouldnā€™t be bad either
Pros 100% have no clue of how to play sombra effectively, this is why mightyy, fitzy and codey had some shinanigans done with OG stealth, and you go to owl aaaand

Scout enemy comp and switch back
Infinite stealth??
Translocator in spawn, farm EMP and then AFK on backline

Iā€™m down for some EMP counterplay, because it indeed has little counterplay and itā€™s a devastating ult, but the main problem is 100% cringy stealth

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If by ā€œproā€ you mean OWL sure, I can agree.
The game should be balanced around Masters and GM because that is the population with players that have on average better understanding of the game.


To clarify I meant unreasonable for the actual players of the game and how they need to play on the same balance patches.

I donā€™t see how balancing around plat would make any real difference.

Make Genji strong? People complain.

Make Bastion strong? People complain.

Make Symmetra strong? People complain.

Make Sombra strong? People complain.

Make Doomfist strong? People complain.

Like how is it going to be different?

I agree and would even say more than that.
A game is most fun to watch and play when the hero is balanced according to itself rather than competing with others for the same place.

If instead of random nerfs the devs would actually look at the hero kit and try to understand the problem rather than random nerfs or changes the game would be much more fun for all sides.

Game should be balanced around them, but certain heroes have always been on the better side of the sun, like Widow or Tracer.

Like i dont know, if one hero requires 2 heroes to get in and take her out, then there is something wrong with it, or cant be countered at all unless its a oneshot (Tracer), or can be only mirrored (Widow).

I agree with most people who say that we should have either balance changes around the Mid-High Tier or different balanced for High-Really High tier and Mid-Low tier, but what we should do after for the QP and Arcade? which of all changes will apply on these modes :confused: I really love the idea of having different balance changes on the 2 big Elos but we need to suggest a solution about the other modes.