Why people prefer higher "skill" heroes

No, front line shields only feel huge because Rein is overtuned. We just had 2 years of dive showing they’re not that necessary at all.

Dive wasn’t prédominent on ladder, but it was certainly a viable option. Not so much now.

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What? You are literally claiming that Ana should only be played in league matches and that’s it.

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We already have Sombra in that state. It’s not as weird as it should be.

If you want you’re ‘skill’ hero to be the OP heroes, you should earn it. It shouldn’t be given to you.

Body is too similar to what you recently posted (replied to wrong person)
EDIT: Double fail, someone posted in the mean time.

Wow that’s salty. you’re unbelievable

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It’s nonsensical. They’re okay with Ana having the worst winrate at all ranks of the game and being overshadowed by Moira for 85% of the game but 15% where Ana is going to be the better choice(by better players) is unfair.

This is the real argument between “high skill” and “low skill”. People who play low skill heroes who enjoy dominance at lower levels somehow feel that they should dominate even at higher ranks above players who put much more effort into their characters.

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So I should just go screw myself because I’m in a high rank and want to play Mercy? Got it, you’re so angelic.

I can smell the “I want high impact with minimal effort” people typing


Play Mercy all you want. Don’t be salty and try to blame others because people can do better on Ana than on an easy hero.


I’m not disagreeing entirely; I’m cool with Tracer, Widow, Ashe and so on being where they are.

I’ve also said certain heroes like Mercy, Reaper and McCree should have been given changes that allowed for more nuance and higher rewards for better play. Not cheapened with FtH, Valk and Lifesteal.

I’m just disagreeing with where to draw that line; I think, though you seem surprised at to where you were drawing that line so maybe not.

That’s why I’m salty, if you tell me I shouldn’t be allowed to succeed because of my hero choice, why should I say you should be allowed to succeed because of your hero choice?

Except you are the only one talking about how heroes shouldn’t be able to succeed. That’s what makes you salty.

If you want to play Mercy you’re free to, what people are trying to convey to you is that you can’t expect your easy hero to be better than one that is much harder to play among the best players in the game.

What you’re lamenting is your own skill at not being able to do well as Ana as you do on Mercy. The opposite wasn’t true, the best Ana players could handle Mercy, if you can’t handle Ana that’s on you.


Imo? Some use “high skill heroes” to make them feel relevant to the game and so that they get praised more when using them. Some use them to literally make them feel as if that hero was “worth” maining and gives them “bragging rights” when they win when in reality? It really doesn’t matter because as long as you pull yourself and your team to victory, who really cares? Others because they happen to like said hero and it just so happens they have to require aim. Many reasons as to why someone mains them.

ALSO, that “high skill hero” you are using now? Yeah, can easily get buffed one day to a no skill, just as a no skill can become a high skill due to a complete rework or whatever they may do. In the end, it doesn’t even matter because nerfs and buffs are prominent in this game and will eventually happen to every hero at least once.

They choose that hero to main, just as someone lse choose not to main a “no skill hero” but EVERY hero plays a part and is needed regardless of “LOL you use a no skill hero!!1 You suck!11!” They only say this when they loose to said hero because they can’t counter them or are salty about it. They feel like it’s not fair that someone so easy can get away with killing their “high skill hero” when that has nothing to do with it. People still use high skill heroes no matter how much a healer/DPS/Tank may do because in the end, the ones that REALLY like the character will use them regardless and still kill the “no skill” hero. I understand that some say “Why use that high skill hero when you can just easily get 4 gold medals with so and so?” Yeah well, who cares? If you are good you are good and if not you need training like everyone else.

For example, I can’t use Moira for the life of me. Mei as well. I struggle so hard with them, and yet while to others, they are “low skill heroes” It all depends on the person. It’s not my fault you chose to play Ana or whatever. I also understand that yes, sometimes it feels like “no skill heroes” ruin the game but in the end, if people win, they also don’t care for that point alone. They are trying to make every hero unique. That’s the point of the game. Problem is balance and that’s another issue.

Not everybody is going to be a “shoot and aim” DPS. That would make this game like COD or any other typical shooting game which it is not. This game also pertains to people who can’t aim. People who have a disability or are blind and have a hard time with needing to aim. This game also thinks about others and not just privileged people who were lucky enough to have great aim and eyes to use.

You’re bursting out without reason. Getting angry that Ana is meta and claiming that she shouldn’t see any play because

When tons of people who play any character at high level do earn it. It’s not given to them.

You’re comment is just as salty as those who claim mercy should only be played in very low tier.

I’m literally saying the same thing, I’m just moving where high skill heroes should be op, thats it, you just don’t like where I moved it.

Imagine, you make a humble post on the Overwatch forums, couple replies.
You get off the computer for a little bit, you then return “Wam!” 117 notifications.

You’re suggesting that everyone should forever play their pubstomps unless they’re OWL level players.


Welcome to Overwatch: hot topic edition :wink:

Blizz seems to disagree with you.

Now who’s the strawman?