It’s because Overwatch is dominated by campers who want the game turtle slow ready to call out the fun police anytime a mobile character is viable.
The devs said DVA is not even overperforming. You look at win rates the dominate tank in most ranks is actually Reinhardt.
Notice they won’t ever complain about that character, but they’ll complain about DVA even though her win rate is worse than Rein and she’s hard countered the moment Zarya comes out because of the patch seasons ago that made Zarya beam go brrrr with a massive damage buff.
Coach Mills even admitted he wants DVA deleted from the game and if DVA is to remain in the game he wants her nerfed so she’s only viable in GM and useless everywhere else.
I thought it was crazy he literally said those two things, but I’ll leave the video here as proof:
(Most of stuff I’m talking about he says in about 10:20 onwards)
Nerfing DVA into the ground is just the first salvo from the 6v6ers to strip fun from the game and force the shield tanks as hard meta in preparation for 6v6.
So if you enjoy the dive style of play people like Coach Mills think that unless you are GM you should go pound sand cause these characters are reserved for the elite only.
And btw, he also admits that the only tanks the 6v6ers want to be good are Rein and Junkerqueen.
Hey, at least this guy is being honest about playing meta favorites instead of pretending like he wants a balanced game where every character is somewhat viable. So respect for telling it like it is.
The main reasons I can think of are outside the game reasons that are ugly to get into and fundamentally misunderstanding that the diffrence between shooting a shield with a hp bar and shooting dm are the exact same things 90% of the time with a few things that sneak through each so they dont block absolutely everything.
Barriers even stop more abilties and some non-damage support ultimates by essentially breaking LoS for them.
Her surprisingly fast kill combo of boosters, rockets + left click, booster hit and melee which utterly obliterates you if you don’t have an escape ability.
That she can pretty much ignore the front line if you don’t have a good comp to stop her, boost past the tank and obliterate a squishy. The amount of times I’ve been grouped with my team, Dva initiates a fight with our tank while being healed, I take a little bit of damage and she smells blood and boosters past everyone to almost immediately kill me is actually quite high.
DM is extremely annoying and it feels like it’s always off cooldown any time you try to shoot her.
She can eat a large amount of ults by simply tapping right click. Illari gets her ult eaten pretty much 100% of the time if Dva is in the game.
Highground is nothing to her. While it’s an advantage against most tanks in the game, she can just booster up and kill you.
She makes you have to play at a further than normal distance so she doesn’t just immediately chase you down and kill you.
She forces you to play different comps, like beam characters.
She’s the only character in the game with essentially an extra life, and she gets her mech back pretty fast if she isn’t quickly killed.
Call Mech instakilling every non-tank is honestly stupid and was put into the game as a troll by the devs purely because they thought it was funny. Dvas frequently try and get funny call mech kills and will sometimes purposely not call mech back after an ult to try and get a funny kill with it instead. It’s stupid, and I don’t care how many times people say “oh so a 8 ton chunk of metal landing on your head from space shouldn’t kill you?”, it’s still stupid and it’s only in the game because people think it’s funny.
Her personality is terrible and you can’t mute her normal voicelines. She is the epitome of a toxic gamer. I block people who are toxic so I don’t have to look at their nasty messages, and yet Dva is in the game and I have no choice but to listen to her. Almost everything she says is her bragging or being toxic, and almost every Dva has the “Is this EZ mode?” voiceline equipped and spams it while winning.
I hate her character. Still attached to personality being terrible, but she is honestly a terrible person. She’s toxic even to her own friends, and in spawn conversations regularly likes to remind people that she is the best ever of all time and they are basically nothing compared to her. She would be the worst friend on earth to have, constantly putting you down and reminding you that she thinks she’s better than you and you are worthless trash in comparison.
In the interest of fairness, this video seems to be from before the recent D.Va nerf and as a reaction to there being no D.Va nerfs in that patch that nerfed Winston’s damage by five. Right?
Junker Queen, that well known shield tank.
But more seriously, this isn’t a 6v6 thing. Even in the game as it is, I’d say that most people (not myself) are happy for the likes of Winston, Rein, and I guess JQ nowadays, to be the uncontested best tanks. It doesn’t matter if Rein/Winston/JQ have a co-tank along for the ride or not.
D.Va being strong limits enemy team composition more than a lot of other heroes.
Between matrix, easy burst damage, and mobility she has the power to basically just disable hitscan heroes. This is why she is always so present in top 500 console meta.
So yeah, it’s a situation of what heroes people prefer to play against, but there are reasons for those preferences.
This makes no sense. One person does not speak for everyone in a group.
I’m pro 6v6 and I certainly don’t want them to be the only good tanks.
This whole post is just “I saw a video on youtube and it made me mad so I’m going to complain and act like EVERYONE thinks the same way this one guy does!”
If it weren’t for her own cinematic showing who she is outside if battle, I’d wholeheartedly agree. Quite literally if you the player typed any of D. Va’s voicelines, you’d probably get reported and later banned for “inappropriate language” or “being generally toxic”.
I guess that’s the workaround to avoid a ban because it doesn’t count when a voiceline is spammed; and sometimes there’s a limit on how many times you can say it before the game puts a pause on you.
Big 2024 and we’re still just as incompetent as the dev team to think stats are the end all be all.
Anyone in high elo during that dva meta could tell you without a shadow of a doubt, rein was not more played or more effective than either dva or monkey. No one complained about rein… because he wasn’t being played. No one complained about rein, because rein couldn’t fly into the middle of 4 people, kill someone in 1 second and escape ALL in the same booster cooldown.
Dva wasn’t overperforming on average… a.k.a low elo bots who can’t play dive correctly. And have NEVER been capable of playing dive correctly.
Hence why you shouldn’t balance around bad players who can’t actually find value of the real meta heroes.
Yes, swamp butt turbo try hards like Coach Mills who think characters like DVA have to be nerfed totally into the ground where she’s useless for everyone else (he literally said this word for word).
High elo players feel a complete sense of entitlement where the only thing that matters is how the game plays in their elo and if you enjoy playing a character like DVA and don’t have time to play 12 hours a day grinding comp to hit GM or top 500 “go pound sand pleb, git gudder!” you aren’t allowed to enjoy DVA she’s reserved for top 500 only.
The devs said DVA is NOT overperforming so all the whining is prolly due to this tiny statistically insignificant fringe group of players and what needs nerfed is just that one interaction between her and Juno that’s being exploited and not anything that’s really gonna affect the average Joe who can’t realistically pull that play off.
This isn’t even a thing about this one hero. High elo players ruin this game for everyone else because they expect the devs to only listen to them and if that screws up the balance for people who are not as skilled as them go pound sand.
“This game is made by silvers for silvers!” and there more players in silver by far than the top 500 master race like Samito who thinks silver players don’t have a right to enjoy this game only they get that right.