There’s no need to have this “#DontTouchMyAna” (btw it totally sounds weird) thing. Reducing her healing to 70hps is not going to immediately send her to F tier. Now if she got nerfs like reducing her healing to 60hps, damage reduced to 65, bionade anti heal duration reduced to 2s, no healing on nano boost, sleep dart duration reduced to 3s, bionade healing reduced to 40, and bionade bonus healing duration reduced to 2s these nerfs would send her to F tier.
So I believe that we should accept this nerf and move on ¯_ (ツ)_/¯
I think it should be debated its a forum after all. Im not an ana main but let them voice their concern. As im sure you will do when ur mains nerf time comes
I believe it’s because every healing shot you land on squishies as Ana takes effort, and that big chuck of health they get feels very rewarding. Reducing that feels bad. Not saying it shouldn’t happen, but it does feel bad.
I mean those came out before but they could have done a lot worse things. they could have also reduced the damage of the gun to 65 and inherently ruined 3 shot kills. Like that would be game changing