Why not just give mercy overheal?

I wouldn’t call her good, she’s Ok. But Moira/Ana currently outshine her. Plus, she’s just incredibly boring to play as.

Because the idea was suggested before Brigitte release on the Megathread and the idea got rolled onto Brigitte

Same with the Beam Merging Idea

Sorry I forgot “rez” from that sentence, what I meant was “Make her rez her teammate with 100 HP”.

But now she has Valk + the “ultimate on 30 sec” on E, so she has two “ultimates”, it might be a personal preference but I don’t really see how a situational huge rez would compensate that. What would she get for her E ability? Nothing? Then we’re straight out nerfing her because we just agreed she’d need LoS and a casting time. Although I could settle for a mini-Valk on a 30 second cooldown where she could fly freely and heal multiple targets while her regen could not be stopped - for 6 seconds. But then the Genjis and the Junkrats would cry because they couldn’t get their free kills on the Mercy with their ults…

My experience is, since Mercy “2.5” aka. cast time + self slow on rez has been introduced they finally understood that if they dive and die Mercy not only can’t rez by sacrificing herself but she can’t even pull the rez off because she will get killed and the rez will get cancelled so they stopped crying for it.