Why not an option to switch roles during a match?

If we can see some player in our team strugling with a role in competitive or even quickplay matches, the role system will not allow players to switch their roles during the match… So, why not create an option on the hero selection screen to propose a trade between two players? This way you can propose the trade in the roles with other player during the match, both heroes die and revive with the roles changed, the 2-2-2 format is kept, things are less restricted, and players have more strategy options if their team is not doing well. Limit it to one change at every 2 minutes, or 1 or 2 changes in total during each match, and it will be fine.

I’m also asking for that because I have at least 2 friends that think that the fact that they cannot change roles during competitive matches made them stop playing the game as much as they played before. It kind of ruined the game for them, even with the benefits of suffering less with inconsistent teams. The freedom of being able to change the hero for any other and do some difference is gone, and this would be a good solution for them, and for anyone else that would like to change the role during the match, without unbalancing the team.


That would be sick. “Hog please switch.” K, baby, just gimme dps! :triumph:

I wanted something like that once
Then i was reminded on forum that people would be just toxic to each other for not giving them role they want/report them.
People wanting to play dps would just q as tank then atack teammate plaing dps to swap with them for example.


But people will report a bad player anyway if they are not good (well, maybe, I dont know). And well, at least in closed groups of friends, I see no reason to not allow a switch role.

Reporting for being bad is less popular, because that give you nothing and is not even reportable offence
But someone who would want you to give him his role, it would become more important and by that emotions they could just go on route of reporting anyone who dont agree
And if that would be in friends group, it could be jusr advantage over other team on its own, little unfair for solo q players dont you think?

Personally, I see more benefits than any thing. Reports because someone had not traded the hero with you are kind of irrelevant… Blizzard can just ignore these claims. If a person dont want to trade, refuse the first call and then it’s blocked, so people would not be able to abuse it.

Reports are automated, and reason for reporting is picked by you so you can put what you want in those :man_shrugging:

Well, an checkbox option of “Allow hero trade requests” before the match is a thing that could exist too. With this, you would say that you are open to requests before the match begin, and cant be changed after the match starts.

It just goes against their reasoning for having role queue in the first place: that if you queue for a role, you get to play what you want to play, and not what you were pressured to play by others. This would be even more toxic than open queue was, because people would feel it their right to harass you until you gave them the role they wanted, and/or throw until you did.


I undertand this point of view, but as I said, an option to allow hero trade requests could also be added. If you are a person that doesnt even want to receive these requests, you could disable it, so there’s nothing that any other player could ask from you during the match. But if you are more open minded about it, check it if you want.

I really dont care about change the role during the match if this will make my team win. Ranked points could be distributed between the roles considering the time spend in each role, or points.

I dont like myself this reasoning as i liked myself to swap roles around if game was going bad, and knowing that plaing tank does not mean “i can play every tank”, but rest yea, it would be mostly problem with the humans in that system.

That could help a little, adding to it the sr limit to like 250 sr for roles from each other to be able to swap.

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