Why nobody likes 3-4 DPS (Jeff Replied)

Doesn’t mean anything. It’s not burst from her that secures kills. Have you ever picked her for that?

Conveniently, she also has top elims in GM and Masters.

Works just fine, unless the enemy team has a Reaper. Or a Hog. Or even a Torb. Gorillas and shotguns do not mix. Even for scientist gorillas. :slight_smile:

Jeff! Thanks for giving this insight.

I think that’s fair but that the game caters to this one trick mentality. Losing ult charge and sr gains via stats , etc all add onto the main hero mentality.
One tricks always exist, but this game promotes it more than needed.

I understand this but the thing is, to have “niche” function in this way means torb needed to be inherently stronger. People playing him on attack was because they liked him . But that was a select few. His problem lied in that him being good on defense didn’t mean he was better than any other hero. Torb was just as good as soldier and in many ways, worse.

Agreed. But how you adapted didn’t fully address the issues many if these heroes have and it doesn’t justify them being weak . Some heroes just don’t have a popular design. Unless absolutely broken, torb symm and sombra will NEVER be highly picked. They will always have people frustrated but , with all five people even using them, it should be fine.

I think the use of “niche” in your team’s work now should be different.

Niche should simply apply to the function of the heroes strengths. Not a specific time or map to use on. That is,

Mercy or moira isn’t any less viable than ana in any team. It is simply a matter of hero use to need.

So even if you have 100% accutacy on ana, if the enemy is Winston , dva, pharah and genji… You might struggle to get healin value…so a switch to Moira might be better suited for you at the sacrifice of Ana’s utility.

But maybe Moira just isn’t getting value to your team . Ana had more range ans your Hammond dva combo plus tracer is making it hard for healing value still. Mercy should be just as viable because of her mobility and consistency.

The niche comes with the functions of output, to practicality to potential for a hero.

Making torb and symm etc more in line with practice of play to other dps will never work because they have no “niche” of strength. The shift in design hasn’t resulted in fairness at all. All it did was change outsider perception.
And that’s not making the game better either…
Just different.


Still more fun when you just want to try meme strats

Well I do (zarya/roadhog) :x

Again, irrelevant. She doesn’t secure kills with it. That was true for D.Va after missiles were added, but she was never actually picked for it and no tank is. Not even Hog who’s literally built for it.

I mean, she has the best damage and the best elims. What would convince you?

I can understand it for Hog, but he’s not close to meta or throughput.

The day I see someone say: ”I’m gonna go Zarya to get some kills”.

Said every Goats Zarya ever.

Also, isn’t it worse if she is played for other reasons and just gets the game’s best damage and elims on the side?


Meanwhile 4 dps comps deal so much damage they can often times faceroll the standard 222 by pure spam alone. Go figure dps power creep ruins this game.


I don’t think we’re playing the same game. :sweat_smile:

Zarya is one of the primary DPS contributors in GOATS. So yeah, she is there partly to get some kills.

That said her performance is definitely related to GOATs in general. Zarya can also spend games pitifully tickling stuff with her single-target version of Winston’s gun if she’s playing against Dive and they just keep ignoring her. I’m not sure she (or Reinhardt) really need nerfs so much as the meta needs to stop being GOATs.

Goats was formed because squishies keep dying far too easily to doublesnipers and what have you. =p Fat bodies can contest for longer.

A ton of her damage is splashed from RMB. Exactly like the heroes you listed above her, it’s not what you’d call effective fire because it’s low DPS and easily AoE healed through.

It’s also why her elimination count is high, she hits everything. Again, it’s the same things that have always been said even of DMBot.Va.

Dude if i wanna secure kills i go zarya or winston xD if i wanna have fun and make my enemies cry i go Sym :stuck_out_tongue:

Zarya is picked for grav mainly.

I did that, because I thought it was crazy talk to think that devs would heavily nerf Dva, Brig and Armor in a quick patch in January…

But yeah, here we are now.

In response to the OP, that was what it was like being a support main during the dive era. It’s also why no one during that era wanted to be support. It was also exasperated by the fact that many DPS who benefited from that setup justified their fun by telling everyone else that supports were meant to be defenseless squishies by design. If they died, by their account, it meant a lack of team play with the opposing team — except that they always died and often.

Dive lasted a year. If we go back to such an era this game will lose a lot from those that lived through it and frankly won’t care enough anymore to stay yet another year being nothing but sheep for another sheering.

They really need to put some forethought into these metas they create.

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