Why no comp backfill?

How would it be abused? Leavers would still be penalized. How does the backfill person “abuse” anything? And what about the abuse would be worse than leaving and completely ruining the rest of your team’s game?

Use your imagination, How could this be abused?
I’m sure you can figure out at least a few answers.
I get that it’s frustrating but giving easy outs to teams that predict a bad match can lead to even worse frustration. Especially if it’s people that frequently have multiple accounts to swap between.

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It’s still possible to win a 5v6, and cancelling a match would feel like a waste of everyone’s time really (remember how people say they’d rather lose than draw?). I imagine there’s no backfill as it would upset the balancing, and why should a person gain the same amount of SR for playing a shorter period of time?

There is not competitive backfill because of multiple reasons.

When a match has been assigned for 12 players. It is generated around the average SR between the teams. If any sort of alteration is made during that match. player have left by disconnection or intentional. No backfill can fill that particular spot because that spot was meant for that one play and that player only. Backfilling would also be troubling for the person who would backfill as they won’t know the composition running. And players may leave too late which will make the backfill lose a match for pretty much no reason that they couldn’t handle themselves.

Backfill will cause a lot of issues. Both technical/fairness/arguments and generally just upset people. When leavers leave they leave because they are salty or throwing. Where as disconnected people leave on accident.
The game gives leavers the opportunity to return. If they don’t they will be punished. So also again no backfill. But what needs to be addressed is how as a team you can work together, or simply just create a team and fight as a group. This will hinder a lot of issues regarding leavers depending on who you pick to be with you.

They use a hidden MMR for matches. So, if someone drops out… find another player with a similar MMR? If it’s DPS, you’ve got pretty much all of them sitting in 10 min queues just waiting…

I’ve long advocated for backfill to be added to Competitive.

It’s unconscionable to me that this exists in other game modes but not in (arguably) the most important game mode.

With a few tweaks it would resolve the leaver situation and ensure that the match remains as fair and as balanced as possible in the current smurf/alt/whatever you want to call them climate.

Backfill in comp really aint gonna do much. The team that has been getting rolled most often has the leaver, and will have even less momentum. Backfill aint the answer lmao

It will return the match to a full, fair and balanced 6v6 state.

(As fair and balanced as matches can be with so many smurf/alt/whatever accounts destroying the matchmaker.)

A match in which one team was stripped of a player then given a new one 30 seconds later wont return it to fair and balanced. That player will lose ult charge, will have no knowledge of the current match, and the team that had the leaver will lose any ounce of momentum they had.

It’s not gonna return the match to a “full, fair, and balanced 6v6 state”

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Just make it so people can’t join their friends, like they already do with normal comp even without backfill, maybe there would be a small chance that you get into the same game; however, would you really leave on your main account just to play the same game on your alt acc? I doubt people would genuinely do this, especially if they’re already in a losing game which is a main reason why people leave all the time.

I’ve had many games in qp where a ragequitter leaves and gets replaced by a better player and the game goes from being a stomp one way to a stomp the other way. (I swear they rigged it like this on purpose.) Even when I backfill myself I turn most of them around unless it’s a backfill with like 10 seconds left in the match which nobody likes. If this were to ever happen in comp would be cancer. I realize having a leaver on your team in comp also sucks but there is no better solution to the problem than bg go next.

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3 year necro

20 characters

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Canceling a competitive match after even 1 disconnected or rage leaver either cannot return or haven’t should be the way.

Nobody wants to be backfilled into a losing game

you havent provided any actual answers as to how it would be abused. either way. the pros outweigh the cons. no system is perfect. the current system is broken as is. a leaver or more often, a disconnected player, costs a team the match.

Two Main Reasons:

  • No one wants to backfill into a losing game, especially a stomp.

  • Nobody wants to roll someone so hard they ragequit only for that ragequitter to get replaced by a smurf (or a better player) and get the last laugh by making you lose SR. This happens in qp all the time btw and it’s uncanny to say the least.

Do you really think that people are going to want to get put in a game that was enough of a landslide someone left? Or backfill onto the team at ult disadvantage because they had a leaver? Not good for competitive integrity. Losing because of leavers sucks but if you never leave, you win more games because of leavers than win–5 chances an enemy leaves vs 4 chances a teammate leaves). Any other solution like backfill or cancelled match would have worse implications.

Then let the backfilled person have no SR rewards. Maybe give him some credits he can earn towards a skin (even if it may take years according to blizzard).

Since the game is a lost, having a backfill who is not penalized won’t do much wrong even if it ends up a lost.

Anything that could potentially make it harder to win for the team without a leaver than before that leaver left should never be considered. It is bad enough the leaver is already a problem for one team.

Why? If matchmaking is fair, then the backfill should also be fair. If a player is better and matched with a backfill of similar rank, then he should still win. Why should a team’s victory be guaranteed, guarantee should come from the player isn’t it, not just some lottery of getting a person with bad internet connection.