Why most of the reworks suck

Not going to lie Brigitte’s rework was actually one of the decent ones before they butchered it.

Even though collecting the scrap was an annoyance I miss the armor packs.


It… really wasn’t. Her rework took away a ton of her personal survivability to give her a lot more healing. If I had wanted more healing, I would have picked Moira, Ana, or Baptiste over Brigitte. Why did I pick Brig? Because she was half tank and half healer. They butchered the half tank part. In doing so, they butchered any reason I had to pick her.


Not really, she still had pretty strong survivability, you just had to use your brain for once with how you engage.

Yes really.

200 shield, 200 hp, and 50 armor is above average but it is not even remotely tank like. or even Tank lite. Seriously, she used to have a 500 HP shield. I’m not joking when I said I used her because she was half a tank, half a support. A lot of the times I’d pick her when my team had locked in a 1-3-1 comp. A 1.5-3-1.5 comp usually worked out better than either a 2-3-1 or a 1-3-2 comp would have. Heck, there was one time I picked her to salvage my teammates going with a standard 2-2-2 but our 2 tanks were DVa and Zarya, neither of whom can front line. With their help I was able to be the front line presence we needed.

The other times I’d pick her was when my team decided 0-5-0 was a good idea. At the time, she could handle that bit of annoyance better than any other tank or support in the game.

You can’t do that kind of thing after she lost 60% of her shield for no good reason.


For risk of sounding like a meme surrounding Torb: Bingo.

Torb’s rework worked because at his core, he is still the ‘turret’ hero. The rework made his kit more proactive overall, but his core gameplay is still that he brings a turret to the team.

In contrast, so many other hero reworks move away from this core aspect of them. Symm is no longer built around her utilities. No more shield gen, or her old barrier as an ability to block important enemy abilities (that got given to Sigma), TP was made much more limited, her beam is now a shield breaker which… okay but that was never her main identity? All she is now is a generic High DPS Glass Canon, but that’s never what Symmetra was or was supposed to be.

Or Brig. Brig’s overhealing got removed and replaced with just more healing. So now, she went from ‘support who gives temp armor’ to ‘heal bot with a stun’. Brig’s rework was slightly more successful than Symmetra’s, but its not hard to spot that Brig mains all find her way less fun and rewarding than she used to (incoming ‘YoU wErE jUsT aBuSiNg HeR tO cLiMb’). The move to making supports into less ‘support’ and more ‘healbot’ is certainly not unique to Brig, but it hurts her too.


I’m talking about when Brigitte first got the rework, not changes afterwards, i’ve played Brigitte during that time and she had good survivability if you used her right, just look at Violet’s gameplay at that time and you’d see what i mean. The only reason people thought she had garbage survivability was because nobody learned how to use her correctly.

I am talking about right after the rework. The rework gave her 3 heal over time packs instead of 1 burst heal pack, buffed Inspire, and also reduced her shield HP from 500 to 200. Those changes all happened at the same time.

Which is still a pretty big amount for shield, plus she had 250 hp aswell as Inspire self-heal, i still believe she had decent survivability, you couldn’t just walk in and do nothing like before and live.

I maybe forgot what the changes were to Brigitte when she got that rework, but they did end up fixing it afterwards, which greatly increased her survivability until they gutted some things like no armor on packs and lowering her base health.

Was she tanky for a support? Sure. Could she even remotely tank anymore after that? No. Which is what ruined her for me.

To be honest, if they fully reverted her to what she was prior to her rework, made Inspire self only, and pushed her over to the Tank category, I would be very happy. She might need 50 more armor if they did that, but I’d still take it without that.

Personally i like the way she is now, besides the base health nerf, I wish that was reverted, I just don’t see why she needs to go over to Tank when Reinhardt exists y’know, it make her kind of moot except for healing packs.

Self sufficiency and her ability to quite literally throw her protection at her teammates.

Reinhardt doesn’t get heals? He will flounder. Brigitte doesn’t get heals? She’ll heal herself, nbd. Teammates don’t stay behind Reinhardt? He can’t help them. Teammates don’t stay behind Brigitte? “Hey idiot! Catch this repair pack!”

That’s why. Original Brigitte was a fantastic solution for your teammates being idiots. Did you not see my examples of when I’d pick her in my second post to you?


That is something players seem to be very allergic to.

I must ask.
What core part of Bastion is exactly the issue with the hero competitively?

I know what I think about Bastion’s problem but I can’t really think about a core feature that holds it down… Only small stuff that can be fixed with number changes

I wholeheartedly approve of every rework so far.

Wouldn’t touch Sym before, love her now.
Wouldn’t touch Mercy before, love her now.
I did play pre-rework Brig quite a bit, but prefer how she is now.
Can’t say for sure about Mei but I imagine if she’s improved in other ways I’ll prefer her new playstyle over “freeze then right click their head”
Enjoyed Torb before, but enjoy him more now.

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To be honest, you literally just proved OP’s point.

You didn’t like Symmetra… she got changed to something you like and away from what people used to like about her. You didn’t like Mercy… she got changed to something you like and away from what people used to like about her. You just happened to have benefitted from the butchering of their core aspects because you didn’t like their core aspects.


I disagree that the core aspects of the heroes have been changed
The heroes playstyles have been changed, sure, but the core aspects remain.
I definitely did not prefer their old playstyles over their new ones.

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The tradeoff of absolute immobility for damage is a risky gimmick, more so when it is expected to be the primary way to play the hero. If Sentry was an ultimate and balanced accordingly, it wouldn’t be so bad. It would be a high risk high reward situation, and would have things such as better stat boosts and a timer to keep it in check.

But as a primary transformation, it’s just too risky. Trading all movement for high damage being a primary gimmick is bad game design in a game like overwatch, that’s full of cc and high mobility

For you the core aspects may not have changed. That doesn’t mean that the core of the character didn’t change for other people. People value different things in an experience after all.


Yes. For me core aspect of Mercy were multiple resurrects to save team with, not just being some useless fly that can’t outheal almost anything.

Every time Blizzard promises more “active” play, it literally means “you’ll have to shoot more”, as if your only dream in this game is to be shooting enemies.