Why Mercy was considered the only anti-fun Hero?

When hooks became “un-fun”


We are repeating the same things because A) The same problem still exists and all previous feedback has been ignored, and B) We need to justify our issues to every person that comes here to say Mercy is fine. She was “fine” after every nerf, then she gets nerfed again.

You are tired of seeing posts about it on the forum? Ask Blizz to change her back, because she was never an issue before and we are sick of the trash they turned her into.


Last I checked Rip Tire can’t kill through walls. Find a new argument.

Shooting a Mercy streaking in from cover (or spawn, which is even worse) via GA before she gets close enough to rez is functionally impossible. Only a Widow who is already charged up and knows she is coming can reasonably do it. Whereas people shoot tires all the time with nearly every hero.

Then make her Res not able to res through walls, seriously is that your ONLY argument, that her ability didn’t have line of sight and Tire does???

That’s a pretty weak argument as to why Mercy can’t have one of her main abilities.

It’s honestly hilarious how people keep on trying to use “nO coUNtErs” as a reason why hiding with mass Resurrect is bad. HUNNY, hiding in general is bad. One hero hides and gets clapped by Blizzard in the process? So does the other.

I’m nitpicking your nitpick. I (and many others) have explained it thousands of times why it’s a bad ult and why it shouldn’t be a thing. Not in the mood to argue with people like you right now.

Yep, that’s why it was removed. Because it promoted hiding.

So basically, your answer is that we shouldn’t have Mercy able to res people because killing her is too difficult??

Ah yes, Mercy, the hardest character to kill in the whole game. I, too, was able to run up to a whole team after my team was wiped and res everyone because only Widowmaker was the one allowed to shoot me. I never got shot in the face by Roadhog or mowed down by the soldier on high ground, nope! No other characters can touch Mercy until she gets her res off, obviously!

You guys literally make zero sense, the logic ability here is just… Baffling.

Why are you running into the whole enemy team?

Your opinion on why it’s a bad ult is your opinion. I’m entitled to mine. I think Valk is garbage compared to her old ult, and you’re entitled to like Valk! But don’t tell people that they can’t come to the forums and complain that they don’t like the game changes, I mean, that’s what they’re here for.

Do you know what else promotes hiding? Reapers ultimate. But oh wait! His ultimate has counters so it isn’t hiding anymore.

Did I get that right?

I was being facetious - This person I was talking to said that it was ‘too difficult’ to kill Mercy as a way to counter her full team Res. Personally, I don’t have much difficulty killing Mercy at any point in the game with any character, because it’s… Mercy.

They’re trying to say there’s no counterplay to the original mass Res.

The counterplay is KILL MERCY.

Yes, because Repar hiding to fall and Ult on a team is bad. Or Mccree hiding to Ult a team from behind is bad. Or a Phara hiding to ult and catch people off guard is bad. Or Soldier hiding to get on High-ground and Ult a team is bad.

Noticing the dissonance here?

I probably hate valk just as much as you do because I can’t stand Mercy being meta anymore, but Mass Resurrect was awful too. I just can’t see Blizzard balancing it so that everyone is happy.

I mean you are right. But Reaper’s ult is horrible and beyond easy to counter. Huge difference.

Also, you could just use an ultimate to negate mass Resurrects impacts. That’s a counter :stuck_out_tongue:

Mass rez, as it was implemented before Mercy 2.0, was far too powerful for the extremely difficult counterplay and the total ease of pulling it off. That’s why everyone hates it, and that’s why it got removed.

I don’t see why everyone thinks Mass Res was bad, I mean - it rarely was a huge team res, it was more often than not 2-3 people, which considering how many crowd control ultimates we have now would be even MORE interesting. Can you imagine making the critical mistake of ressing 3 people on the point only to have Hammond swing in and drop his mine field on all of them??? It would be AMAZING!

They won’t revert your goddess. Dear god, if you want it that badly, go and protest outside the Blizz headquaters and see how many of you pass out of heatstroke, i think, since it is in Texas.

I don’t care about her. I don’t even care if I have to go through another 6 months of Mercy 2.0, cause I accept and respect the hero for what she can do. But I now grew to hate her because of her mains. You guys are more entitled and whiny than the old Genji mains.

And yeah, keep this up and then ask yourself why don’t devs interact with us? If I go to the forum and see the same thing I have seen in the last years, even after I have given my answers, might as well ignore the forum altogether. Heck I see more devs activities on subreddit than on the official forums.

If you’re literally only here to whine about how we’re whining, then you seriously need to find something better to do with your time. Why don’t you go play a game?

My biggest issue with Mass Resurrect is it prolonged 2 CP for far too long. Overtime fights lasted ages and it all depended on which Mercy could either get the bigger resurrect who which Mercy could hide better and not die. It wasn’t fun at all in competitive.