Why Mercy mains aren't happy. We aren't entitled, we're being hurt

Only after her rework. She was never a MP before that, only a forced pick because Ana was overnefed.

You really shoud not make such stereotypes, because most Mercy players want her to be just that: fun
Not a must pick or so. They just want her to be fun.
It’s just childish to say that Mercy players just want her to be OP.


Ok, can you quote the part where I say Mercy players want her to be OP ? Cause as far as I know, I NEVER said that.

I just said Mercy OTP are very vocal and I’m asking Blizzard not to make her a must pick.

I’m sure if you were looking hard enough, you would find that someone and then quote their words as fitting to all Mercy Mains.

Ana havent been played for 1 year and a half, received no buff, no balancing patch.

And you can thanks the devs for butchering her in the first place.

It sounded to me like that. Sorry if you didn’t mean it that way.

It’s reasonable to not wanting her in that MP status again, but after my knowledge almost all Mercy players i know which are extremely unhappy with her are far away from being OTP’s.
They still play a vast majority of the heroes in game so pls don’t say that.

I’m not sure that you know what entitled means.




  1. believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

-One, you speak for an entire group of people, of which plenty disagree with you.
-Two, you make it seem she needs or deserves these buffs.
-Three, I’ve seen you in many topics that have nothing to do with Mercy where you’re demanding changes and linking your topics.

These all seem entitled to me. It could just be me and I may be off base, but from someone who is indifferent about Mercy and just wants healthy balance between all, you seem quite entitled in comparison.

Further, just because this buff came after a nerf doesn’t mean it’s not a buff. That’s not how it works. You have been asking for a buff TO HER CURRENT STATE. You just got a buff to her current state. Thus, a buff. Otherwise that would imply you want her to again be over buffed and verging on overpowered. They’re trying to find a nice balance for Mercy. In most other topics on most other characters that just received buffs the players are mostly happy… Except the seeming majority of Mercy topics (hint: entitled).

Mass Res should have some tweaks first and I believe it would be balanced. But instead they totally reworked her, butchered Ana ana Lucio and let her be. And we ended up with that Moth fiasco.

Ah, classic 2017 Blizzard.

Always with the hammer, and not the scalpel.

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I don’t really care what they change along as she doesn’t become a must pick again. I was a mercy main for like 4 seasons then when she got nerfed I dropped 300 sr and stayed there for a while. Now I’m finally getting used to Ana and I’m at a career high of 4178. Ana to me is so much more fun than mercy and I have 2x more time on her.

s h r u g

tbh I’m OK with the changes as long as she’s viable and doesn’t lose the only thing she truly has over other Heroes (mobility galore, even if it is team-dependent).

I’d be 100% satisfied if Valk and Rez swapped spots for a Torb-esque type of rework. Still keeping solo Rez, but of course, making it have more side-functions (burst heal for Mercy, 2 second invincibility back, more flexibility for usage, etc)… At a faster charge rate too.

As long as Mercy has Rez, she’ll always be an awkward Hero to balance.

When I first heard of Mercy buffs I was super excited. After reading what’s changing I’m left with a meh feeling. I understand why Blizz has to take small steps with Mercy but at the same time I’m not sure how much is exactly going to change. Base healing is still kinda sucky for a main healer.The ult charge buff feels like a whoops we overlooked how reduced healing would affect ult generation. And finally valk goes back to what it was pre 50 hp/s, okayish. Unless the game starts moving away from burst dmg imo she’s still not going to be all that good. Note I haven’t mentioned fun factor because that’s very subjective.


while i can appreciate the time and effort it took to make this post, its fundamentally wrong.

first and foremost, mercy was never “f tier” in a universal sense. she was F tier in high elo. but for the bronze-diamond players (and to a degree masters) she was S tier. why?

because her healing required 0 mechanical skill, she could fly away from danger if her team was spread out (which is basically destined to happen) and her ult could completely turn the tide of a team fight.

no one liked 5 man rez’z. its only the mercy players who prefer that version and thats because it was easier to get higher value for less effort. youd farm ult, then hide and rez.

and ive had dozens of mercys tell me “good mercys didnt just hide they blah blah” but the truth is good mercys wernt in bronze-diamond bad ones were.

none of us are good, unless there top 500. meaning that every mercy but literal pro mercys were hiding during team fights hoping to get that phat 5 man rez…so they could be the hero.

mercy was once lopsided in terms of power. as i said, she was f tier in high ranked play but s ranked for 94% of the population.

then after her rework she became universally s rank, and they slowly nerfed her til now shes b rank


not F like everyone wants to say, shes B. not only is 50 hps nothing to laugh at, she can rez a target and swap between heals and dmg boosting an entire team while in valk. yes shes not a main healer anymore

but shes one hell of an off healer, the utility you get from her in bronze-diamond far exceeds what most other off healers give you. she can keep highly mobile dps alive (something most ana’s struggle to aim at), she can enable teammates at a moments notice during ult (pocketing rein, genji, pharah ect during there ult pushes almost guarantee’s a successful teamwipe).

the problem is, most of these people aren’t good at Mercy, you have to be able to juke targets and stay alive on your own while also healing people. yes you arnt the big momma of the heals anymore. but her utility far outshines most other things.

her 30 sec rez, completely and utterly destroys a teams push. dmg boost can make even the most medicore dps heros shine, and her mobility is such that even with decent aim she can be a pain too kill before she escapes.

the only reason people want the revert, is they dont want to adapt. they’d rather farm ult and hide, then actually learn how to play overwatch.

and for the record, mercy is my second most played hero this season :slight_smile: (first is genji 3rd is like widow or somthing)

Moderator: Edited to remove derogatory language directed at other players.

With many of the changes Blizzard has been making recently, their goals seems to be to allow more champions to be played in more situations. Sym and Torb changes for example made them more likely to be seen outside of purely defense. Their changes to other supports wanted to bring their pick rates up as people viewed them as a more viable option.

If this is the goal, to create a game where, yes there will always be situational things to consider, that all characters have a decent chance at being picked, then wouldn’t current rates be indicative of whether the current state of a character is meeting that goal? My understanding is that the recent buffs have indeed helped the other supports shine, which is great.

Mercy’s pick rates, win rates, etc. according to Overbuff (in the last month in competitive) seem fine, until you hit Diamond/Master/Grandmaster where she falls off, only barely ahead of Moira in GM only (stats slightly skewed because they still have Sym as a support).

Mercy clearly is still picked at lower levels because she is a very accessible healer. It’s easy to aim and work her, and while she still has nuances, she was made to be this way, to be a solid healer with a low barrier to entry, so of course she will still be played at higher rates at lower skill tiers. This makes her overall pick rate still fairly high.

The question then becomes, should the balance team balance around the higher skilled players? This is a debate in all games with an eSports component, and you could easily argue that some changes they have made cater to pros because the difference are really minute to lower skilled players who really won’t be taking advantage of those changes. Using Moira as a comparison here shows that OP isn’t taking too much of the higher tiers into consideration where Moira is a low-value pick comparable to Mercy once you leave Diamond.

So what stats do you want to look at, and which ones should inform the team as to whether or not their balance is having the desired effect. I think they could nerf Mercy even further and her overall pick rate would remain the same simply because her basic play is easy to pick up, especially in lower skill tiers where if you have to pick up a healer and you don’t tend to support she’s easy to be somewhat effective on.

I don’t have the answer. I do think it’s more nuanced and difficult to say what to do than either the “Mercy needs more big change now!” crowd says, or the “mercy is fine quit crying” crowd says. These difficult questions are exactly what the balance team is trying to look at and figure out. We may be disappointed with their answers, with their choices, etc. but they have far more data than we do, and even here we can see how what little data we do have can create conflicting opinions. It’s tough, it’s difficult, and the best thing to do is to see if this has the desired effect, but it might be nice if Blizzard told us what their overall design/balance goal is for Mercy. That more than anything would help us know if they’re reaching it.

I’m convinced there is nothing the developers can do at this point to satisfy Mercy players. I understand that her ultimate issues didn’t feel like top priority to most, but this is an actual buff. Literally everyone is cheering and happy for their Roadhog, Reaper, and Symmetra buffs, and Mercy players are even more angry that they received buffs they got. Wow!

Because Mercy mains and (most) support mains wanted Valkyrie to be changed, more powerfull or more engaging. What they did with this “buff” is (parcially) revert her to where she was before the latest hps nerf.

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I love how much time and effort you put into this, it makes it even sweeter knowing its a giant waste of time no one cares about lul. I dont get why any of you still think its worth it complaining on the forums, i mean i think you should, cuz its hilarious, but do you actually think itll make a difference? cuz it wont, i thought that would have been clear by now.

I highly disagree that most support mains want mercy buffed, why would i want my heroes i enjoy playing being out performed by a boring moth? why would anyone except mercy mains want that?

I have to give credit where credit is due. You have made an amazing first post. It’s very detailed and well explained.

Her PTR buffs feels more like a partially revert imo.

The healing nerf caused Mercy to get her ultimate slower and the 15% cost reduction should make it more on par with how it was before the healing nerf. Not to mention that she can heal 60 HPS in her ultimate again just like before the nerf.

I really think the PTR buffs aren’t that bad to be honest. Her average healing is already on par with other main healers and Mercy healing only at 50hps is what I consider a fair tradeoff for the benefits her healing beam has (autoaim, ignore shields, consistent healing and no ammo or resource bar).

Of course does it not fix the problem of Mercy being boring to play, but it might bring her back to 50% winrate again.

The current Mercy can never be “fun” for some players unless they rework her again. No other radical change can change this. And to be honest, they already stated (in the past) that they have no plans on reverting her and I doubt they have plans on reworking her either. They seem to want to make the current Mercy work.

By buff you mean slight revert than sure

4 donuts are more than enough, asking for 20 is ridiculous.

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It’s both a buff and a revert. Yes, these changes are making her better, yes the HPS is reverted back to 60, which was it previously. She is being adjusted, something positive has been done to her. This is the step in the right direction Mercy players have been asking for, it’s ok to be happy and appreciative of these changes and still request more, keep making your voices heard. Instead we have people boarderline rejecting these buffs. I’m speechless.

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