Why Mercy mains aren't happy. We aren't entitled, we're being hurt

You’re entitled to your opinion but I think Brigette is easier to get into than mercy.


Yeah but let’s be real, Brig is a DPS not a support. No one runs Brig as a second support in a normal comp. One of the DPS has to play her.

I want it pushed to the backend of her Ultimate, so it can stay but its not the focus of hers anymore.

And its not very skillful or engaging to have others determine if you can use an ability at all.

In the end who cares because that is pro-play and they don’t need to care about playing what is impactful they just need what is the easiest way to win.

I’ve lost my care about it since it’s only “iconic” in name only at this point.

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Mercy isn’t my first main, she is my second tho but for the love of good sake why call this a buff while decreasing healing and just adding something to valkyrie?! They also should have never changed her ult.

You were only supposed to have 2 donuts to begin with. They miscalculated and accidentally gave you 20.

Just because a bug got overlooked doesn’t mean it didn’t have to get fixed eventually.

But they are, they may be underwhelming and might need an increase later, but buffs they are.

Thank god McCree has some use of his ultimate at the very least.

Stop looking back in time and use that as if this isn’t a buff.

Yeah, Roadhog’s recent buffs are actually NERFS!!! (GONE WRONG! MUST WATCH) … erhmm… if you look back at an older state of Roadhog.

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o ye i saw ur posts and they were harsh i was confused, but i never bothered to check ur profile and you really are a mercy main. It makes sense completely now.

Same goes for you. I would say Brig is not difficult to get into, but a tad more difficult than Mercy until you “get” how her abilities work.

She is a support/tank hybrid and does abysmal dps. The reason a DPS has to play her in goats is due to ult economy, you don’t want to throw away that Lucio ult for example.

My friend who is definitely a ‘Mercy main’ has been playing less Mercy, but is definitely happy for this small revert. She even enjoys playing Lucio more now since she doesn’t have to 100% be forced onto Mercy.

So yeah, there definitely are ‘Mercy mains’ who don’t shout at people trying to make the game work and calling them names every time they don’t get what they want.

Don’t touch my Doughnuts.

~ Signed

▂ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓩𝓮𝓷𝔂𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓪 𝓓 :doughnut: 𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓷𝓾𝓽 𝓜 :doughnut: 𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▂

In my duos with a friend we go as healer duo and she picks Mercy 90% of the time simply because she likes the hero no matter the changes. The funny part is that Mercy gets taken away from her in select screen so honestly the whole ‘Mercy mains left her and don’t find her fun’ looks like a bad runor being spread around specific people just to shape her the way they like.

Everyone got different ideas for Mercy, on how she can be improved etc. But that’s not what’s important. The important part are the facts, like the part OP mentioned about Moira doing 140 heal per second with her ult while Mercy only does 60 heal per second. That’s really unbalanced. There are so many numbers like this, and involving her revive is barely anything as it’s not always possible to pull off a revive, especially if you may end up dead. In that sense it may even be a argument for a buff.

But my point is that a bunch of Mercy mains got their own ideas of changes, while others got theirs. They both aim to buff Mercy and that is fine. No need to turn against each other on that point. That won’t lead anywhere.

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Yeah and gave them to other support hero’s. The game would be perfectly balanced if all the hero’s has the same donuts. But instead that have to be shared.

And by, Brig, Ana and Moria became more viable when they dounuts were shared out more equally. Not to mention pre repel, Mercy has double the heals of the next support, and near double the pick rate of the second most played hero. You have always had all the dunouts. Thinking you have your own special amount of dounuts is rather entitled.

You mean the ult that made Mercy mega op for months? Are we forgetting that? The ult was way too good back then, and all they did was nerf it a bit to much. This should make it balanced. The only problem people had with it was that it was nerfed a bit too much to were it didn’t feel inpactful.

Also seriously you’re complaining that it gets countered? Oh no how dare your Mercy ult gets counterd. Not like very other hero’s ults get counterd at all. Mccree and S76 are definitely not viable right now. So you’re probably winning the game anyway. Dead eye literally isn’t good for anything else, come on give it something to counter. With burst heals, mobility, sheilds and one shot. S76 ult is not great rn. Again come on give it at least one thing to counter.

And if you’re against a Hanzo and Widow who are landing headshots like that. Well doesn’t who you play as they are winning the game either way.

Also if you were a good Mercy player, you would stay low to try and counter it better. Rather than flying up higher which I see eveyone do.

Also counter picks are a thing, if I pick S76 and then have a pharah, that’s good for me. But if they have a Doomfist I am forced to swap off.

Much like Mercy, if they are running low ranged heros swap to soemone who can deal with that. But if they Rine, Zyara, Tarcer, Genji, Brig, Lucio type comps. Then you’re perfectly free and safe when you use your ult.

Again, you are wanting her to be viable in every situation. Entiled.

That Mercy didn’t do much healing now and her ult was no inpactful. Right?

Well would you look at that. The ult is more inpactful by doing more healing. This is EXACTLY what people were asking for.

You literally just spent your first two pharagrahs telling us how bad the ult. Also eveyone had a problem with her ult. Eveyone. All the discussions about her were about going back to mass rez, having more rezes on her ult, doing mass brust healing with it. Idk where you have been but the ult was one of the main issues.

Then immediately says its bad again. Make up your mind.

Yeah your right. That’s why they buffed the healing. Remember 60 heals a sec was massively out shadowing the other healers? Having it on her ult should put her on par with the other healers.

Keep in mind, you still haven’t stated what your main issues with her are yet, keep saying you will get there. All I have learned is that you hate the ult but you think it didn’t need buffs.

And then, I have absolutely no idea what is happening. You could have linked to Jeff’s picture where they show the stats. Instead you make this incredibly complex thing. Which doesn’t really help your situation. I’m sure the devs have more accurate stats and know what they are doing.

But it looks like after all that, basically she doesn’t do as much healing as before. And she’s lacking a bit. Which we all know. And so do the devs. Hence the buff back to her healing.

You’re absolutely joking right? Mercy F tier up until the rework??? Absolutely not. She was the most picked hero, with the most healing, the best ult. At. every. single. rank. Where did this f tier come from??? She was particularly a must pick. People would throw games if they didn’t have a Mercy. It was really that or Ana. And she definitely was F tire back then.

Then you link to horrifically wrong stats, and opioins that people are claiming to be facts. That’s a whole nother day to reply to that.

Omg do I really have to explain this again. The devs removed mass rez because they felt it was wrong for a healed to deliberately leave their team to die. Seriously that’s why. Go watch the dev update on it. You suggestion going back means you clearly have no idea the reason why it was removed.

Why is this a problem? And also, let’s be real Mercy isn’t exactly hard to play. And before I get backlash for that, I myself, main S76 who is by far also one of the easiest hero’s to play as well. I 100% know that and can accept it. Know your place. Mercy isn’t hard.

Not according to you its not. You also said you would get the real main reason why she’s bad. But yet we are back to the ult again. Probably the longest Mercy post that hasn’t mentioned rez yet though.

Still taking about the ult. I would agree though, Morias ult is a little powerfull and incredibly hard to deal with. Especially as it also ignores sheilds as well.

Yet lacks in actual healing. So his ult makes up for that.

Same with him.

Can only heal one person with ult, and it can’t be on just any hero, and has to be paired with other ults to be worth while.

Not really a healing saving ult though is it, its more tank buff to dive in and attack.

Also only 1 of those 4 listed is a main healer like Mercy. So the others have good ults to make up. Or they will just be dps.

It’s weird that there was a moth meta, named after Mercy ulting. Was so amazing, so un killable must pick her for the ult. Is only reduced down 10 heals, is now this massively counterd, under whelming ult.

I have 125 hours on S76, average shots land 40%. I can’t in anyway shoot down Mercy. I have to use the ult.

Same with Mcree. Also feels like I’m repeating myself. Widow and Hanzo also aren’t easy to hit with.

List of other dps that can’t take it out:

And that’s all of them.

You gotta stop sourcing this one guy. “Ana doesn’t feel that great”. Now it’s tricky, but can you guess. Is that fact or opioin?

I think she’s really fun. Here’s my source:
“I think she’s really fun” - Foxter

Actually I would say its more Brig Moria and Ana.

And then you talk about the needed buffs to the supports like they are bad.

You’re right it is bad. It’s not a good ult at all. Nobody is saying it is. That’s why it’s being buffed.

More heals and a more inpactful ult you mean? I think its a step in the correct direction.

I think I gotta agree her. It needed work, and the buffs really aren’t that massive. But we will see and take it from there. I don’t think she’s too far off if I’m honest. Might be because the meta is burst damage and burst heals. She is struggling anyway because of that. But let’s not take that as she needs massive buffs though. Much like Mccree and S76 they are balanced hero’s. But they are in the worst state right now and can’t be played.

I think at the end of all this. Basically we found out her ult sucks. And that’s all you really had to say. And I would agree. It should be buffed a little more, not massively. Until it can do well compared to the other support ults. Keep in mind, that may mean it’s harder to use, or might even have more counter play. But thats the pros and cons of using an ult.

I don’t think Mercy is too far off.

Sounds like you’re just throwing random stats to make mercy seem weaker.

How many more elims a hero has over mercy doesn’t matter ,since mercy isn’t supposed to do damage ,you main her ,you should know this.

I see this “buff” as a beginning to baby step buffing they do to Mercy until she´s viable and not op. I´d rather have one small buff once a month or so and make her viable again than a crazy buff that needs X nerfs again because she became OP again. The team now has enough “experience” what was going wrong, so maybe, hopefully, they do baby step buffing now and make Mercy good again.
We´ll see.

She still needs some work.

Thing is, they nerfed her a lot to try and balance their incredibly broken rework instead of just admitting their mistake and reverting her or just simply trying again.

Thing is, there’s a lot of damage in the game right now, and if you can heal multiple beefy targets up after a fight you get Valk really fast. However, I’m not sure people want Mercy to just be a valkbot.exe

Uhh… yeah. She has a damage aspect to her kit that is necessary to output healing. Mercy shouldn’t be getting elims regularly. That percentage is to be expected.
However, you are correct: these healers do perform more in healing (and armor in Brig’s case). However, the only thing that really kept mercy viable in her broken state and even now is rez on an ability.
On the topic of Lucio, Lucio is not played for healing. He is played for speed boost. He offers more utility than healing. Barriers also last for a brief period of time, so I’m not sure if they should be taken into account.

The idea of removing all utility is an interesting one, and I think it could definitely be an option.

As much as people may want this, I still don’t think they’ll even consider it. The devs in this game don’t like reverting changes because it would essentially be admitting that they made a huge mistake and tried to cover it up for upwards of a year.

This is definitely the part of your post that I agree the most with. When we had the rework introduced, we saw what we’re seeing with Brig (the topic of Brig abusers): Players that went from plat to top 500 in a single season due partially to broken SR but also a broken character that anyone with a monitor could get value out of.

Once again, Lucio is not played for healing. His speed boost was also buffed, which is why he is meta (way back when they tightened his auras). The ultimate, however, is much better.

I do understand your issues with this buff in that it isn’t what a lot of people want, though, and feel that the Devs are taking Mercy in a direction that the playebase doesn’t like.

I feel like Blizzard is trying to work with Mercy carefully so she doesn’t go back to how she was when the rework was first released. She had become so powerful between Resurrect being on a cooldown and making her healing AoE (which was always seen as powerful considering that she was constantly healing as long as she was locked on to a target). Blizzard had to nerf her into the dirt because they had created a monster that took over the meta for about 6 months - including the esports scene - until we reached this point. They did too much tweaking at once and had too many big ideas with Resurrect being on a cooldown.

This is just a start of slowly bringing Mercy back up with the other supports after so many nerfs. The devs probably just don’t want Mercy back in a more powerful position than the other supports like before. Although I will always hope that she will either be reverted or reworked, at least Mercy is finally seeing a positive change.

Please no…
God why are Mercy mains so vocal… this is ruining the fun for everyone else.

Ana havent been played for 1 year and a half, received no buff, no balancing patch. Now she’s finally playable because Mercy is not a must pick for 2 months and that’s it, they are already reverting changes ?

I swear to god, if the meta becomes again “please dont throw, dont pick “insert random healer”, if you dont pick Mercy we lose” I just become an OTP Doomfist or I simply quit this freakin game.

Why punishing skilled character and priotirizing low skill characters ? Genji is pretty much out of the game, Brig is everywhere. I know Blizzard always have been targeting the masses and want their game to target large audiences.

But dont do that… Game have been out for 2 and a half years, Mercy have been mandatory in every team comp for almost 2 years.

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you mean One hundred percent, oh and rez is not needed when your teammate is still alive

Maybe because pretty much everyone else only had 4 donuts to begin with, while Mercys fested on their 20 donuts…

She was no F-tier, she was less effective than Ana which is OK, since Ana is the skillier of the two. Also it was a very different meta with a lot of flankers to kill Mercy and a lot of fragile tragets than would diminish value of rez.
Now, imagine 5 GOAT members comp to be rezzed by Mercy???
Even 3??
This would be the absolute nail in the coffin for a game pretending to be an FPS. We would have an unkillable GOAT that can be entirely revived. NOOOOOOO…

In closing:
First, I think Mercy main should drop the mask and called themselves Mercy OTP to begin with.
Two, Mass rez should NEVER come back.
Three, I do not think the community (I mean as a whole, not just the OTP mercy) is against a ground up rework. One that would make the character active in the game and skillful.
Aiming beams, Maybe an antiheal purge mechanics, a fly mechanics, a battle mercy mode or something like that.