I think that’s kinda the point in a way, they don’t Mercy players to adapt (that implies getting used to a change and making it work) they want them to lose out - in the case of GA, to die more often. If they don’t because players find ways to work around the GA cd (playing more defensively or pocketing more for example) they’ll consider the change “not enough” and add more to it.
As for suggesting changes, lol who would want to given the response that often incites? Given it never results in any positive change I can understand people not wanting to expose themselves to that treatment for zero reward.
Well, they can screw themselves then, because players would rather leave for different game/hero, than die more often.
Especially since developers refuse to give any compensation in exchange, that could make players take more risks. If choosing between survival and some mediocre moment, that is unlikely to do much, but carries risk of swift death, most people will choose survival.
I kind of feel bad for new Mercy players, as they have yet to learn, what mess they got themselves into. You literally have to fight developers for something as miniscule, as +5 hps buff…
Just how much stuff Mercy has to lose for developers to be satisfied? Because it’s like never enough for them. She lost her big moments, so survivability is main thing she has left, and now developers are after it too.
You can say that it became a matter of pride - to make sure developers fail, when it comes to making Mercy die more often. Stay in spawn, if you must, but don’t let them succeed.
the matchmaking is not holding you to 50% winrate.
Never said to hold 50% winrate for each player but for each hero. And it comes from high rank players, not me.
Fun fact, I never say this, first time for me, but it’s the first time in months I have such a loose serie, and more with a two ranks derank. And I understand now other players including high ranks players who explain why the ranking system is garbage in Overwatch 2. But you’re right, it must be my attitude ^^ I go in comp to win, so I do my best every single game, and I always switch hero if needed, even if I don’t want to, which is really weird to have fun but whatever.
I don’t care enough to voice my opinion on Mercy anymore, Overwatch has gone from a game I play religiously to something I only hop on to complete the occasional dailies. And even that might not be enough to entice me soon.
they have changed mercy EVERY SEASON with the overwatch 2 launch. its just nuts and i dont know why they didnt leave her like how she was in overwatch 1. they really opened up pandora’s box with all these GA changes with mercy players.
i wonder what would have happened if they never changed her? i dont think she would be op or anything and people would have never said anything if she never was touched in overwatch 2?