Why Mercy Isn't Fun To Play | Video

Here we go again.

This is fun. Please tell me more about how you’re 100% correct in all cases.

Do tell me more about how you always seem to bring up irrelevant arguments when proven wrong. :thinking:

Your victim complex is intriguing.

You are mistaken,

There can be a million threads about Mercy. It doesn’t make it spam. That is a broad generalization.

Derailing topics however, are spam. Something you have been doing quite often in various threads. :slight_smile:

Also, your interpretation to any Mercy thread is seemingly spam, based on your previous posts, and you have even went as far as to say that those Mercy mains “act like a cult”.

So, based on your past tendency to make extremely toxic generalizations like those, I’m not sure if I pr anyone else should take your opinions seriously.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


so your issue with mercy is that her skill ceiling and skill floor is easy?

then don’t play her because that’s the whole point of her, she is easier to play for different reasons like newer players or player that can’t aim well. if you want her to be like ana, then play ana? i don’t understand

you don’t see soldier players complaining about how easy his kit is compared to mccree because that’s the whole point of soldier

I would recommend watching the video, as it details why Mercy isn’t fun to play for a lot of Mercy players.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

i did watch it

if you find skillful heroes to be more fun then play them, there is no reason to rework a hero that was supposed to be easy to learn

Does any other character in the game has this low of a floor and ceiling? Because if not, I guess it’s time we make Soldier and Rein the same - you know, one for each class right? For the newbies to play until they’ve learned real heroes.

Mercy has a right to be a viable pick like every character should. It’s possible to have a low skill florr and still give them a decent skill ceiling.

I’m sorry, where did I say that “I found skillful heroes more fun?”
[citation needed]

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

mercy have always had this skill floor and skill ceiling

if you find it unfun now then you never actually liked mercy in the first place. if you enjoy playing more skill based heroes then play them, every hero shouldn’t be this way.

so why post that video if you don’t agree with her?

Simply reading the OP would reveal the answer to you.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

so you don’t agree with the video at all yet you want this change to happen? that’s odd

I always wanted Mercy to do more, and it’s still stupid to have a character most people think is so easy that she basically only belongs in the tutorial. If that’s the philosophy there should at least be one set of this kind of character for every class, not just one in the entire game.

What’s the point of a character if the person playing them outgrow them and learn everything about them within a month?

mercy doesn’t need to do more if she is balanced

you find her unfun because she is too easy? then play ana

soldier 76 is a hero you learn within a day because most players are used to fps games. he doesn’t need to be changed because its fine to have heroes like this

arguing whether mercy is balanced or not is fine but arguing about her skill floor and skill ceiling? i don’t understand the point of that

I agree with some aspects and disagree with others. This is just a vid that gives some reasons as to why the hero is unfun. Not everything has to be black or white.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Spam v.
to send or post spam to

spammed customers with discount offers

spamming a message board
  • Contantly posting offtopic things in a discussion, irrelevant to the topic.

You forgot about that one. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

And hey, looks like everything Turned our ok👌

Jelly is back better then ever🤗.

Let’s do this people❤️

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I’m assuming that he won’t be responding for a while.

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Now I can’t speak to S76 because I almost never play DPS… however I can speak to the “Easy” member of the tank class… Reinhardt.

Can you tell the difference between a good Reinhardt and a bad one? I know I can and I’m pretty sure you can. A bad Reinhardt will either do very little outside of holding his shield… not making the enemy team fear his very presence or punishing them if they forget about him. Alternatively, a bad Reinhardt will try too hard to make the enemy team fear him and charge and fire strike when he shouldn’t and just feed all game. Now it is easy to get some value out of Reinhardt… just hold M2 and some W. Do you want a Reinhardt that does that though? No, you’d much rather have a Reinhardt that is landing his firestrikes to keep the enemy team’s heads down. Landing pins so the ensuing team fight is a whole lot easier. Landing good shatters so the fight nearly wins itself.

To a lot of people old Mercy was like Reinhardt. Mechanically simple and easy to get some value out of, but had a kit that was designed to constantly have you assessing what you should be doing at any given time. Mercy’s old kit had fairly bad max midfight potential. The skill in Mercy was figuring out on the fly the best place to use what part of her kit and the mind games involving Mass Resurrect. Using Resurrect at the right time could save a teamfight or it could doom a team fight because it was used too early. A Mercy that was playing too conservatively might not even have her Mass Resurrect before she needs it… but a Mercy who was playing too risky might also not get it in time cause she keeps getting killed.

Those same people largely think that New Mercy has ripped all of the nuance and decision making out of her, making it so you can’t really take Mercy very much past the equivalent of Reinhard’s “Hold M2 and W”. When do you res? Early and often as possible as long as it doesn’t get you killed. Should you risk your life to save someone? If your Resurrect is off CD… absolutely not. If it is on CD… well odds are you won’t be successful and going for it anyway for the ult charge isn’t worth it because Valkyrie is an overly long E.

That’s what people are actually complaining about. The Mercy rework removed the “Easy to pick up, hard to master” support and replaced her with a “Easy to pick up, easy to master” support.

then say that you find her new ult unfun compared to the last one, not the entire hero like on the video