Why Mercy Isn't Fun To Play | Video

Did you read my response? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: My response was fineā€¦

A nice way is to not say anything about a emoji and focus on the argument.


Didnā€™t you just say that most people complain about Brigā€™s shield bash. That usually does mean that itā€™s the problem so they did indeed decide to nerf her wrong. Not everything Blizzard does make sense. :wink:

Bash is still hereā€¦

Nerf both at once then? Blizzard doesnā€™t need to be scared of outrage if they can handle the hate from reworking Mercy and other heroes.

In this thread, where I started to use signatures, Iā€™ve said that I use signatures as an accessory and something to make my replies look nice.

~ Sincerely,
:smiley: someone who likes to play Mercy :smiley:
HamzzzXO :orange_heart:

?? you cant sound androgynous?? thats the way you dress not sound???

went over to brigitte and back to moira. they feel more rewarding to play and i know i am helping my team

Brigitte and lucio work well in silver

Yes you can, fully hahaha. I do

I did. it seems you still cant read. you talked about watching the dev update video. I talked about the patch notes, this may be a hard concept for you to understand, but the developer update videos are not the patch notes.

I mean im just telling you how you look.

no because forum goers, much like you, donā€™t understand the actual root of problems from heros. brig was too strong because she made everyone tanks. her bash was really not that big of a deal.

Again you are so sure of wrong ideas.


right over your head the point goes.

whats funny is all this is said after I called you out for being a follower like I said youre doing it because you saw someone else doing it. Which is fine, but donā€™t sit up here and act like its something youā€™ve done forever, because you havenā€™t.

Get Interrupted

If you dont like jump escaping of your enemeis every 2 seconds and heal. Dont play support class go back HANZOā€¦

What do you expect them to do? Make her pistol do crazy amounts of damage and also still have the ability to provide one of the most consistent and largest amounts of single target healing in the game?

Mercy is a healer. Just that. A healer. Thatā€™s her main role. You either like it or you donā€™t. If you think she is boring, then pick another hero.

You know what WASNā€™T fun for everyone? Mercy 2.0. People who played her then thought that was the only fun thing in her kit but everyone else didnā€™t have fun (I was on the verge of quitting the game during that nonsense) then Blizzard picked the best of 2 evils and they nerfed her. Now the game is actually enjoyable for most and luckily, they still made it so she has one of the higher pickrates in the game across all tiers

Iā€™m honestly astonished how you still donā€™t get itā€¦ I was literally agreeing with youā€¦

Donā€™t care my dood.

I mean itā€™s pretty subjective tbh. What you may see as the problem wonā€™t be the same for everyone. I get your point nonetheless.

Niceee. I think something else was the problem.


Iā€™m participating in a trend. :sunglasses: If that means Iā€™m a follower, continue to call me one. I donā€™t consider it something too deep.

Itā€™s not really all that new. Also, why would I be pretending if this is what I said:

Youā€™re thinking way too much into it. :stuck_out_tongue:

~ Sincerely,
:smiley: Someone who hates to play current Mercy :smiley:

Itā€™s 2018, can we stop with cringe culture?

Nah, just a woman with a deeper voice to me.

It is not faster. It is slower unless the Mercy pops off a multikill.

With uninterrupted healing, it will still take Mercy 31 seconds to charge Resurrect to full from zero. Thatā€™s a 1 second cooldown increase in the optimal healing conditions.

And letā€™s face it, no Mercy gets 31 seconds of uninterrupted healing.

If it is 6-6.5 Resurrects/game, that is still a huge difference in power from the current Resurrect. Why, you might ask?

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If the 30 seconds thing was so critical, wouldnā€™t you expect the average rez per game to be closer to 15-20 per game?

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Did youā€¦ read it?

If anything, the fact that itā€™s not affected by performance is a selling point to me.

Take a look at some of the best Mercy mains in the world. How many resurrects per game are they pulling off? About 6-8.

Means you have an ability thatā€™s equally worthwhile at low ranks and high ranks. Rather than being underpowered on one, and overpowered in the other.

Furthermore, by having Rez frequently available, but difficult to perform, it gives Mercy players something to do besides Left Click 99% of the game, and spend 1% of the game pressing Q.

Which was rather poor interactivity.

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The fact that it isnā€™t affected by performance is more concerning than it being affected by performance.

The higher a player climbs, the better everyone gets at dealing damage. Everything happens faster. And then thereā€™s Resurrect.

For reference, 9-9.5 was my personal average prior to the rework. That was top 5% of Mercy players in that category, and yet, Mercy was still ā€œsuboptimalā€ in high tiers.

Thatā€™s funny.

That is also funny.

Having an impactful ultimate with a lot of tension leading up to it combined with a mechanically simplistic kit is a hell of a lot more interactive and engaging than that same simplistic kit but weaker, plus a 2-second rock simulator or E and a spectator camera as an ultimate.


Then why donā€™t you focus on making Valkyrie more interactive?

For instance, if you could switch to second stage ā€œexpert modeā€ only once during Valkyrie. What would that look like?

Clearly the devs arenā€™t interested in making Rez more powerful.

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Valkyrie is flawed in its design and shouldnā€™t be an ultimate, thatā€™s why nobody gives a crap about making it more appeasing. Itā€™s not something anybody cares about because itā€™s bland and unengaging, why rework an ability that you donā€™t care about as opposed to just replacing it with something else, not neccesarily Resurrection?


Because the devs probably feel like theyā€™ve spent too much time balancing Mercy already, and statistically sheā€™s really balanced.

So probably the best you are going to get out of them is relatively small change.

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Nobody isnā€™t correct.

Lots of Mercy players on the forums think itā€™s healthier than Mass Rez ever was.

Youā€™re giving the developers a pass because they canā€™t make a hero fun without breaking their knees? Thereā€™s an old kit waiting in storage if they want, or they could do something as simple as reducing its duration and increasing its healing.

They donā€™t want to change her because theyā€™re ignoring player feedback, not because itā€™s a big ask to change some numbers.