Why Mercy feels so bad

Mercy has a lot of utility in Rez and Damage Boost but since the Healing nerf, she rarely has the time to use them because if she does people die due to lack of heals. Basically before the nerfs Mercy gameplay was 50% heals and 50% utility but now it’s 75% heals and 25% utility.

No one likes only doing one thing, juggling Mercy’s different abilities was part of what made her feel more rewarding. The Devs took a lot of that away


There’s several individual changes I’d like for Mercy:(not all together):
-Decrease ult charge by 5%(it’s not a huge ult and it could be the “pulse bomb” of support ults)
-Increase healing of main beam in Valk
-Have Valk give some sort of buff to Rez. I’d personally like more range(8m instead of 5)


She is perfectly viable and balanced.


That’s not the issue and hasn’t been for quite a while.


10 hps is not going to make or break anything

If everyone is still dying so much you can’t use utility then that’s a you or teammate problem


I personally believe mercy “feels bad” entirely because shes so consistent.

If you took a hero and measured their moment to moment performance “out of 10”, many would be all over.

4, 5, 10!, 7, 6.

Mercy is more loke

6, 6, 6, 8!, 6

You get few “moments to shine”, no roller coasting up and down. No excitement from the ups and downs many get with their kits

Oh is your health low? Bbbzzzt. Now ill hit shift.

This has always been my concern for mercy.


Soldier went from must pick to almost never picked after his main weapon lost 5% of it’s power. Mercy lost 17% of hers.

That kind of nerf hurts a lot.


Unfortunately that’s the part blizzard works on…they can’t make everyone like a character…I don’t like junk rat…doesn’t mean they need to change him

Weird didn’t know Soldier was ever meta

Although Soldier has to deal with things like accuracy

Mercy doesn’t


Not really. That’s still there-- it’s not like Valkyrie heals and boosts and resurrects at the same time. You should know when to boost, when to heal and when to rez, and in that same train of thought you should know why you’re going to pop Valkyrie.

If you’re gonna play Mercy only to heal, you should play Moira instead.

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Yeah for a while it was 3 tanks, Ana, Lucio, and Soldier… before Ana got gutted and Mercy got reworked.

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Did you ever like junkrat?

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Yeah…when he hurt himself…

What about the people that like mercy now? Or does their opinion not matter?

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But that wasn’t her initial concept. She’s supposed to be the “raw strong healing output”. Moira has to damage to heal, it’s her entire kit.

No one is denying that. The OP was talking about how it feels to play Mercy not how Viable and Balanced she is.

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yeah, before she had mass rez which was a big fun shining moment, making the consistent and simple game play less boring in comparison… now you just heal, rez (stand relatively still for 2 seconds and hope u dont die) and then do the same thing but flying.
Only exciting thing about her nowadays is battle mercy but people get pretty pissy about that


Seeing as what I want for her is +10 hps for 1s after GA, During valk make her main beam 80 and the chains 50, and maybe give up a bit of Valk duration for this… they should be fine.

Also just curious… why’d you like him better when he hurt himself?

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How many actually do?

Valk Flight is a hit with a lot of people but, it’s a miss with a fair number.

Single Target res as far as I’m aware isn’t actually that popular.

Chain beams is also of mixed popularity last I knew.

Valk’s currently on the long side ult wise and most Mercy comments/poll responses I’ve seen either want a big bang or a medium length ult.

I doubt the current Mercy is the ideal Mercy for even 10% of people that play the character. That doesn’t mean that everyone wants a revert tho.

You also don’t necessarily have to obliterate the current Mercy to get a different Mercy.

It’s entirely possible for Blizzard to add a new hero with a near identical base kit that has a different ult/other abilities.

Some of us did suggest this method for implementing Valk back when the rework was on the PTR:

Ex: (Some grammar/spelling errors)

Personally, I think the PTR Mercy might work better as a new Hero rather than just replacing Mercy as lots of people like each of the heros and dislike the other. If either PTR Mercy or Mercy is too annoying to a segment of the population they could be banned from their matches to allow for maximized enjoyment as Casuals might dislike the PTR Mercy and Competitive players seem to generally dislike the current Mercy.

TLDR: I don’t think the new Mercy is balanced. I don’t enjoy playing her much. I don’t enjoy playing against her. She is fun to watch. As lots of people do like her it might be better to make her into an additional healer instead of just replacing Mercy with her.

It wouldn’t be cheap but, they are the ones that made the design that ultimately whiffed on designing something that could be balanced while also managing to line up with what most of the existing player base for the character wanted.

They did something similar with both Sym and Torb where they whiffed on part of the initial audience but due to the characters low popularity they ended up in roughly the same spot via picking up a few more players that previously disliked the character.

Not sure if it’s the same for Baja but, when he hurt himself he was more of a mid range hero due to the self damage. The change made it so the character was frequently played closer.

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Going from 20 to 19 changed almost all of his damage breakpoints (ttk with headshots/ even more without and factoring in misses) also Dva got buffed at the same time

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I don’t want to be that guy, because I love Mercy and want to see her in the best place possible, but the only time I find healing too difficult to do with Mercy is when I’m solo healing. Sure, you can solo heal with her, but ideally you don’t want to solo heal with any of the support roster. Mercy isn’t an exception. Get a second healer and see how much easier it is for her to balance damage boost, rez, and greedy “battle mercy” ults!