Why Mercy and Moira are a couple

Is there a way to block certain people?

I think there is, but I don’t know how to do it.

good point I just did it :clap: :smile:


Me neither, if i pay attention ill just ignore them.

Back on topic.

That’s where the fun part is.

Moira+Reaper best ship :ghost::crystal_ball::full_moon::heart:
One is the poison and the cure of the other :smiling_imp::heart:

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Except Moira turned reaper into that i think.
This could work both ways.
Moira being poison and Mercy being the cure.

Yeah, I think I’m team Moireyes, too. There’s room for bickering there, but Moicy is just straight up “I don’t like how you do things.” “You don’t like that I’m right.” *barfight ensues.


Mercy has done that, Moira just gived him his powers is Mercy that made a disaster with him turning him into Reaper :thinking:

Not trying to fight/bicker. I just like the lore discussion. :slightly_smiling_face:

No, I mean there’s room for bickering between Moira and Reaper. I assume that’s what makes ships between enemies interesting.

Didn’t know that. Maybe it should be MercReyes then. :eyes:

Mercy was not involved in making Reyes into Reaper.

Mercy: “you and your colleagues disintegrate the field of science, I want nothing to do with it”. To moira. Mccree agrees with mercy

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She’s secretly waiting for Moira’s invite.

This is almost as big a joke as mchanzo.


Pretty much all of the interactions between the two have been nothing but disdain for each other. Moira hates how Mercy is a goody-two-shoes, Mercy hates how Moira blatantly disregards ethics.

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They’re soulmates

Mercy and moira litterally have an interaction in game where moira offers mercy an invitation to oasis and mercy declines saying moira’s work discredits her field of science


Mercy despises Moira for her unethical work


Moira hates anyone who disagrees/criticizes her work on the bases of ethics as she likely believes ethics is just fear blocking scientific advances.

Look how she interacts with Winston. First she speaks to him as a fellow intellectual but the moment he advocates for her lab shutting down, she brings up his animal origin in a condescending tone (Jumped up Ape)