Why Mercy and Moira are a couple

  • Interest
    Both are medical scientist. Both have experimented with different medical anomalies. Genji/Reyes. More so on genetic engineering.

  • Countries
    Moira being Irish. Mercy Swiss. These countries are practically neighbors and have friendly territorial relations with each other.

  • Personalities
    Moira has an intellectual personality leaning more “diabolical”. Mercy has a intellectual personality leaning more towards “angelic”. The personality clash makes sense.

  • Height
    Moira at 6’5 and Mercy at 5’7. Their heights play in the Tall/Shortie range.

  • AGE
    Moira being 48 and Mercy 37. Moira could create discussions on her medical/genetic experience that Mercy has yet to discover.


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I sense that Moira main coming…


Mercy is from Switzerland.


the one with 16,000 posts and the moira icon?


Yeah meant to put that, her speaking German throws me off.

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What’s her name? I forgot her name…

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Yes, exactly them!

Stupid 20 char requirement

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I worship that moira. They comment on almost all of my threads and i enjoy looking at their replies in other ones

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But yes.

No in that, no they are completely unsuitable for each other, like, in every way.

Yes in that, in OW fan lore everyone is coupled with everyone.


Where is this coming from? The only interaction between these two demonstrates Mercy detest Moira.

Is there something new I missed?


I find regularity among forum users comforting. It keeps me coming back.

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Finding her work unethical? That’s the only one i can think of… But, I might be mistaken , I believe they use to work together. At some point Mercy is going to turn Moira into an Overwatch hero.


I don’t even know who that is tbh

its an account named moira, has a moira icon, 16,000 posts and replies to almost every single thread

Sounds like they’ll be summoned here at any moment

no, they don’t like eachother at all. moira did her research on animals and overwatch, along with mercy, didn’t like that so they forced her out to not do her research anymore until moira found blackwatch and continued her research there. in fact they hate eachother. here’s some lines of them communicating,

mercy: Describing your work as unethical would be a kindness.

moira: But the true question is whether or not you can deny my discoveries. No, i didn’t think so.
moira: I know we have our differences, but your brilliant mind would be welcome amongst my colleagues in Oasis.

mercy: No thank you. You and your colleagues discredit the field of science. I want nothing to do with it.
moira: mercy is for the weak


No thank you, u keep replying to me trying to push your moicy stuff on me whenever I talk about Moira and Reaper

Also the other night you said some horrible stuff about Moira, kinda weird u shipping them, I’m assuming a troll thats aimed at me ngl

That being said, I don’t mind other ships, I like Moicy, Biohack and many other Moira ships, I just do not like it when someone sees me talking about a different thing I like and begins pushing their views on me.


This is the first time I’ve seen you ?

Edit: when did shipping become trolling

Ohhhhhhhh so when others base relationships off where people were born it’s fine but when I do it I’m “supporting eugenics” or “trying to make an ethnostate.”


You must not know much about shippers.

Two characters not liking each other is often a sought after component…I don’t get it but whatever.

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80% of moicy fanfics I’ve seen is just Moira sexually assaulting mercy, I wish I was kidding