Why Mercy’s Super Jump officially might a bad thing!

Again not a Mercy main, but kinda agree with her. We seen this before with other heroes, where losing the complex tactic parts made the hero less survivable.


The “official” version of bunny hop that they made was significantly worse than the old hard tech one you had to have intimate knowledge to do nonstop

Idk I just will wait and see I guess


I mean, out of sheer petty, I like having the advantage over people who can’t use it.



They will screw it up 100% Nothing wrong with simple to learn tech anyways. Word of mouth ensures new players will learn about it eventually.


The more I hear where we might be going with the Beta 2 balance.

The more I want to hate it.

Hopefully the new hero will sort of balence it out.

Unless if it’s a DPS Mauga.

Then I know someone high up hates me in particular.


The mercy mains should be happy that it is staying in the game at all.


It’s probably better new players dont deal with it right away, as it might just confuse them. But as they get better, they currently have ways to improve

I will honestly just quit the game if they made it a boring af cooldown button to make it “accessible” and then remove all the nuance from different types of guardian angel movements you can do with it.

Movement and learning how to move with mercy is the sole reason why good majority of the people still play mercy in high ranks.


Why did nobody react the same way when it happened to Moira’s fade jumping?


I pretty much agree with her. The basic super jump is super easy to learn so I don’t think there is a need to make it easier at the cost of the more difficult tech you can do with it.

Probably because fade jumping still worked the same way at it’s core, but better fade jumpers got more mileage out of fade jumps with the new one being less restrictive and it enhanced moira’s potential gameplay by giving her heights and distances to climb to.

It was made more accessible true, but the essence of the tech wasn’t dumbed down.

Bad fadejumpers who never practice it (like myself) won’t be able to fade jump around like arx.

Technique being more accessible isn’t really the gist of the issue here though, but how they would make a 3 button combination more accessible, when even silver ranked players are doing superjumps more consistently nowdays.

Superjumping is already ridiculously accessible technique, so the only way to make it even more accessible is making it an actual cooldown… and removing superjump from her guardian angel entirely because they feel like we don’t need it anymore. If slingshot and superjump gets removed from mercy’s ga repertoire to make room for a cooldown button, you’re left with a watered down version of what superjump could accomplish when it gets turned into exo-boots.

That and dumbing it down would just say it has been entirely pointless practicing GA movement all these years if superjump just gets removed to pave way to glorified exo boots, when it’s one of the few things that was actually worth learning on mercy and one of the key things that made mercy fun for players.

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title is missing words…

might be a bad thing?

might not be a bad thing?


My concerns partly overlap with niandra’s, tho my concerns that don’t are how we can superjump as often as GA rn if you’re good enough to do so.

and also specifically, we can utilise the “start GA cd early whilst still having momentum” trick to weave GAs with superjumps and get a lower effective cd on GA.

putting it on an ability likely means we won’t get all of that and becomes more clunky to those that know how to fluidly use GA and superjumps


Less known, a LOT less Moira players, and Moira players in general tend to be more chill than the “mercy community” (many of you are awesome. But some… oof)

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They think all we want is just exo boots.

But what we like about superjump is the amount of GA control slingshotting and superjumping gives us about the height, curve and distance of the jumps.

I don’t want to do a maximum vertical distance superjump every single time I press buttons and if they take this away, they will inevitably lose a lot more players than they gain by dumbing down her movement.


because to my knowledge, moira’s fade jump change didn’t really change all that much in terms of how often you can do so nor limit which jumps you can really do (if anything it added more). like with what they were doing, there was only really additions and like no subtractions.

and yes, you can still do the old moira extra length/distance jump, you just need to time jump later than we did before.

I expect all it will be is if you are crouched as you GA, then will will put the jump in the right place to make it happen.

I don’t think they will turn it into a cooldown ability, and the proof of this is, they don’t have a button to bind it to :wink:

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Then that would mean automatic superjumping without your own input about height and the distance you want to perform the jump from. Again a huge no-no.

What they COULD do is make crouch ga more readily available, because atm you can hold crouch and ga, but it doesn’t work because crouch ga doesn’t actually exist and you will just ga normally. So you need to crouch and then immediately ga to actually get the crouch ga to work. So they could make it so that crouch ga becomes an actual ability for mercy if she holds down crouch button and presses ga normally.

If they just streamlined the process from doing a guardian angel from crouching, but not affecting any of the button sequence combinations that players are using to superjump with ingame, that would be completely fine in my opinion.

Anything else and I will probably lose my mind and quit OW when they force me to transition to ow2.

The scariest part is that they won’t pick the sensible option if they are going to make it “accessible”. No way they will.


I understand that feeling. I used to main her years ago.

I’m trying to work out if there is a way to make it more accessible without messing it up. They ARE listening to the pro community though, and they will ABSOLUTELY rip them to shreds if they mess this up.

So maybe we don’t have to worry so much.

Pros don’t use mercy, why would they explictly care if they messed superjumping?

Pros just use mercy to pocket flying characters because that’s all she is good for in pro league.