Why leavers cancel the game

Just restart the game with a new player??? And don’t tell me there are no plat players at 4 pm… 20mins que per game then 2 games in a row get canceled? Do I have to stay 2 hours for 3 games that is BS


There is no backfill on Comp. Would you prefer to play 5v6 from the start?

Jeff did said they are working on giving priority queue for players that had their match cancelled either by leavers or cheaters, but there is no ETA yet.

For now, if you want to avoid this issue, play more Quick Play. The matches there aren’t cancelled, people just get backfilled while the match is in progress.

Just add a player… Restart the game with rest 11… specially if we didn’t leave the spawn yet


It’s interesting that the system doesn’t simply find a new player if the match hasn’t started yet.


That’s not how matchmaking works. Trying to find a 12th that fits exactly in the role needed to balance the match takes a long time. It’s much faster to release all 11 players to queue to find games that fit with their roles and MMR.


They could just get anyone currently in queue for that role who is within 100 SR of the person who dipped. Oh right, but that would mess up their planned MMR handicapping of the match.


No, it would create a less-than-balanced match. And they don’t match make by SR.

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So then what is the point of SR if it doesn’t = skill?

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It shows how good you are at winning.

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Oh, so it is skill and should be used to make matches then.



Welcome to my ignore list. Always room for 1 more troll.


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Guess that’s checkmate and I didn’t even have to sacrifice my queen this time

They don’t need to use MMR for matchmaking at all been terrible for years.

Grab someone the same Sr match.

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Pretty easy to tell when someone like that is just clueless. They’ll do nothing more than try to twist arguments or ignore any possible chance that they’re nothing more than salty or not as good as they think they are.

Imagine thinking that SR which literally stands for skill rating has anything to do with skill level

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Imagine thinking that calling it sr means anything. It could be called rank number or ladder location and mean the same thing.

I wouldn’t be surprised if mmr was more than just one simple number. Like sr is the super simplified version we can see that primarily measures your ability to win or lose games you have an impact in, but mmr measures your strengths in multiple areas. From ability to kill quickly or heal in volumes, to the ability to get results from utility tools (sleep darts or anti nade for example). It could use rank to narrow the pool from which it will try to grab players for a game then like two team captains picking their team it could use the mmr to decide what team they end up on to try to match teams with as close to equal levels of durability and kill potential.

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I believe they’ve said it is, which is why they don’t use it as SR.

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Wish I could see them tbh. Like even if it was behind some sort of deep menus but just to be able to see what the game thinks my strengths are between kill potential, durability or helping my team survive.

MMR is a number generally between -3 and +3 and is measured in Standard Deviations.