Why isn't there a Mega/funnel thread for Mercy yet?

well if Blizzrd wouldn´t lock threads everytime, we wouldn´t have to make new ones

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I would hope they put the topics into a mega thread. Tired of coming to the forms and seeing the first ten topics and 7 of them are about Mercy and all saying the same thing. At this point the Mercy threads are redundant.

It’s more diverse than that now. There are 3 doomfist threads, three Brig threads, 1 Sym or Bastion thread and three Mercy threads.

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I wonder why there are so many, maybe because Mercy is in odd spot now.

I mean Mercy got her healing nerf, ( I have no idea why ) I mean Mercy is the only support who can´t shoot enemies and heal at the same time

And reducing her healing makes her ultimate ability kinda underpowered compared to other ults

Zenyatta can just pop his ult and allies are healed

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For now yes but come the afternoon, it’s bad. Early morning and late night is one of the few times it doesn’t dominate the fourms.

But, Jeff did replied in those thread.

We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.
It’s still to be determined if she is exactly where she should be because it has been too soon and the dust needs to settle. Her playtime in QP and Comp is still incredibly high. Her winrate is still above 50% but more in line with what we’d expect.
But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.
Also, we don’t agree with the statement that all supports are weak. Support heroes are extremely powerful and impactful in OW.

But there hasn’t been a response about the current Mercy yet.

It’s been like this for months on end tho. Even before the healing Nerf, which I disagreed with. This goes back longer than that. I get people might not like how she is. But do we really need 5 topics are once all saying the same thing?

I highly doubt a response would make most people happy anymore.

after 10+ times of “we think she’s fine now” followed by another nerf, you tend to lose faith that he even knows what he’s talking about lol


nobody is forcing you to read them

and if Blizzard would finally stop closing Mercy threads then there might be less posts about her

It´s like you put a poster on a wall, and someone takes it down everytime

so naturally, you either beat the ______ or put a new poster

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Well maybe the poster shouldn’t be up there then. Not when there others of the same one already up.

and why should you not put poster you want, where there are other posters ?

are you not as worthy as everyone else ? do your opinions not matter ?

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Probably cause most spam memes on it… I mean when I actually tried talking about Mercy which is what the whole mega thread is about I had someone being all sarcastic to me while others twisting my words calling me a mercy hater and listing how apparently I’m creating a bad atmosphere/going off topic and breaking forum rules and if I do continue I’m getting flagged :man_shrugging:

Just a guess though not too sure.

My only problem with the megathread is that it jumbles discussions that may not be really related into the megathread. Want buffs? Megathread. Want nerfs? Megathread. Want to talk about cool skin ideas? Megathread. Want to discuss mercy lore? MEGATHREAD.

Not every post involving Mercy is megathread worthy. Just balance discussions. But when everything gets put there, with no separation between threads, it makes it confusing. It also makes people believe (with fair reason) that the threads aren’t actually being read.

WHY was my discussion about wanting her Eidgenossen skin wings to be white deserving of the megathread? It wasn’t a balance discussion!


Maybe it’s a problem for people who live on the “new” tab.

I stick to “latest” :man_shrugging:


No, I would just put the blame on the Mercy mains themselves.

They decided to spam the forum with their whining 24/7, the vast majority of those threads were just repeating the same old stuff over and over again, very rarely there was actually something new and/or well thought through suggested.

Whenever someone actually brought up a proper suggestion/solution or w/e it was quickly buried by the other 100 threads created that day.

To give the community a break from all of that they thankfully put those awful threads in the mega thread.

They brought it up on themselves.

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No and I shall quote myself cause I dont feel like explaining it again.

Im sorry that we dared to want a discussion about our scapegoat hero.

not all threads can get first place.

we all have plenty of dud threads that go nowhere and get no attention.

don’t put the blame on “mercy mains” for your bad threads that got ignored, we all have them.

Actually Jeff never responded to the Mercy megathreads.

He responded to other random Mercy threads that were then dumped into the megathread garbage bin. It was easy to tell, because when people looked up the Blizzard staff accounts the only one with a posts read equaling the amount of posts in the megathreads… was the moderator moving the posts into the megathreads.

I may need to correct you. Never in a Mercy thread, I think the one which got the response was about brig and still got moved. Other than that only in threads which had originally nothing to do with Mercy.

That megathread is really obnoxious. I tried to actually follow it for a time, but when threads get dumped in there it seems like it goes in timestamp order instead of putting full threads in cohesively. So you get post from thread A, post from thread B, post from thread C, post from thread A, A, D, B, E, A, D, B, etc.

Completely worthless. =/