Why isnt pink mercy returning

can someone explain to me why pink mercy wont and hasnt returned for the past 5 years. I just wanna know not begging i just see a lot of posts and everyone has something different to say

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Because it was a time limited skin as part of a Breast Cancer Research Foundation charity run.


yea i know that, but people are saying theres contacts n stuff? Other limited time things have returned

Theres in all likelihood a lot of legal red tape in regards to that skin between Blizzard and the BCRF that make re releasing it more difficult than you’d expect (especially when you figure in the legal red tape for monetized things between said parties and console platforms)


None of the contract claims have ever been verified or substantiated beyond "there MIGHT be… "

We really have no idea exactly why they had a charity skin and event ONCE and then never again. There’s even a tag for the skin that is ONLY on that skin making it likely that others were planned but never came to light.

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Want Pink Mercy to return? Guarantee this will work. Get 10,000 people to sign a Change*org petition to bring it back, send the results to Blizz, and 100% guarantee they’ll bring it back for $100 and idiotic people with money to burn will buy it.

considering overwatch 2 prices right now im sure they would price it really high

They’re waiting for the current rage over the store to die down so they can release it in the store for $200 and then get their binoculars out for the whale watching. :whale2:


Pink mercy did so well im shocked they didnt make more charity skins

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What if Pink Mercy came back but… It was a $99.99 battle pass or bundle?


So much money made, such a huge amount of goodwill for the company. The worst part of the whole event was the backlash 2 years later where they never did it again and people started hounding BCRF about it and honestly even that wasn’t all that bad.

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Wouldnt buy i aint paying $100 for a skin that was $15

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The rest of the limited time stuff is through OW and Blizzard, and not another affiliation. Such as the OWL skins, or some of the challenge skins.

Another example of a skin not coming back-Lego Bastion.

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Im assuming most collab skins arent returning

Yep because the rights are not just with Blizzard but with whoever they collaborated with as well.


Collab skins are always the best :sob::sob:

I mean it does make sense since they’re also an advertisement in a way.

I honestly wished they did more charities-similar to how they do Children’s Week in WoW.

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Lego bastion is an easily identifiable or related trademarked item.

Pink mercy uses the “pink ribbon” icon that isn’t trademarked by anyone. Their specific version of it has a bent side and is lying flat… and is nowhere on the skin. Also the skin was modeled and textured in house by blizz.

So while pink mercy has some link to the BCRF name through the event, it’s not like it, in itself, is any part of BCRFs business.

But it was made in collaboration with them regardless. That’s the issue. The whole event was in collaboration with the BCRF.

Do BCRF and Blizzard share the rights or is the term “pink ribbon” not being trade marked leave the rights to blizzard because they designed and textured the skin?