Why isn't bastion nerfed

Still don’t understand why you can shoot 300 rounds with bastion. Go to recon shoot 150 rounds, go back to turret and shoot 300 more,and then heal yourself, rinse repeat. But somehow rienhardt needs a hammer buff, and ash needs a damage nerf, hanzo needs a storm arrow buff, hamster is too mobile! I’m confused on what it’s going to take to decide that this one character being the meta is too long. Yes he has counters, while he’s alone. But when it’s whole team pockets or supports. There is no counter. But ash gets too much damage with a mercy boost? I’m confused as hell with you right now blizzard. And this has been for the past 2 or 3 years. It’s like this character is a blind spot for you. Let’s buff everyone else and nerf people who don’t really need it. HELL YEAH!!

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Bast can be a pain. Zen/Ana/Hanzo/Soldier/Junkrat/DVA/Sig will work bunker over.

You can’t nerf something that’s broken.

Just pray for rework because sitting duck won’t be viable in fast paced game.

Bastion is just a poorly designed hero in every way.

He’s either the team carry, or the reason the team gets rolled, depending on how the team plays. There is no middle ground.

If I could remove one hero from this game, it would be Bastion, with no hero even being a close second choice. I’ve said this from day one and my mind has not been changed once in the near-five years this game has been out - not even Launch-state Brigitte, Mass-Res Mercy, or Doomfist with his schoolbus-sized Rocket Punch hitbox was this frustrating.

He is frustrating to play against, especially when well protected, and even when he isn’t - he still has that “intimidation factor” that causes your team to play like scared chickens running away from a fox.

And he is frustrating to play as well, because in most cases you need to rely on your team to protect you and if they don’t - you’ll just get mowed down over and over from ranged heroes.


Not if the whole team is centered on pocketing bastion. While there other damage focuses on your healers while he melts your tanks.