Why is this so hard for tanks

Why is it so hard to counter swap the eneny tank? It’s easy?

When they have a Hog who do we go? Orisa
Junker queen? Orisa
Zarya? Orisa
Winston? Orisa
Doomfist? Orisa
Reinhardt? That’s right we go Orisa
Rammatra? We go Orisa
Sigma? We lock Orisa
Dva? That’s right we pick Orisa.
Wrecking ball? Choose Orisa

There’s such a wide and deep variety of tanks to deal with other tanks, there’s Zarisa, Sigrisa, Maigarisa, winrisa, and roadrisa, Dvrisa etc.

Damn tank players these days, not wanting to play the “Fun” “engaging” and “skilled” tanks.

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I will lock queen every game and there’s nothing you can do to stop me


I do literally this exact same thing but damn my teammates were sooo teash yesterday like my goodness.

Because I have 0 deaths and you 10+

Say this after the midseason patch when McRightclick deletes Orisa in like two seconds.

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Because the enemy team is counterpicking as well. If a player chooses Zarya to “counter” an enemy Dva, who stops the enemy Widow? She now has free rein to rip off headshots because there is no Winston, DVa, or Doom to pressure her.

It is difficult to violate my principles and lower myself to their standard. I am a prideful beast.

You can make just about any tank work in any situation, but what I see are tank players who don’t even know the basics on how to play their hero.

Cant tell you how many games i have just played Rein start to finish while their tank keeps panic swapping because i am walking on them. in the end they always go orisa… and if they are a decent orisa then i have to swap Zar.

because alot of people here dont want to accept that counter swapping is ow’s core mechanic as a game , 100% intentional since ow1’s conception and want to change it into something else that isnt ow

More like any dps or support looks in the direction of a tank, even through walls, the tank falls over

This balance team is a joke “empowering” tanks by making armor useless and buffing everyones damage against them