Why is this game dead?

nothing more to say.

I blame Blizzard going back on all the promises they made. All they care about is money. The don’t give a crap about the community playing the game and they don’t do anything about reports or how toxic the game is becoming because they know how toxic things are in their own company.


I remember a styloza video dropping a few hours after they officially announced they were going back on their promises for PVE / RPG etc. and styloza revealed even while they were promising all that stuff literally almost NOTHING had actually been completed or was playable and they knew for probably like a year it never was gonna happen butr pushed it anyway for hype and marketing. Basically sounded like the whole thing was a ploy to get people to buy a ‘watchpoint gibraltor bundle’ for like… idk what it was? 40 bucks? 80 bucks? It got you like a skin or something and the first season battle pass? They marketed it as though it was if you were literally purchasing OW2 tho and this was how you’d get access to all the new content.

IDK basically all just felt like a scam to me from the start lol.

At least its free again and they got rid of pay to play. Locking hero’s behind a paywall was why I quit for the last 9 ish months.

It still is a scam. They think by creating cosmetic packages and charging people a fortune for it is a way to make money and make the game fun. I say sack the matchmaking team and stop worrying about making it so you can “play with your friends more” and ban leavers and trolls for more than 7 or 10 mins. Try 7 or 10 hours at least.

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well you see, the lied about pve, made the first 8 monthes some of the worst meta’s i have ever see, failed in balance, failed to fix any problem but instead added problems… exc

but worst of all, the hired people who don’t understand their own game, to run the game.

It’s not dead. Tons of people buying skins. Otherwise they’d have shut it down already.

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Que times are longer than ever now as dps and support

glad there’s nothing more to say so we can all move on with our lives now after this breaking news update

Because the devs keep trying to make 5v5 work in ways that obviously don’t work. They could go 6v6 but that would mean they have to admit they produced nothing but garbage for the entirety of “Overwatch 2” and that is on top of leaving the original game rot with a broken patch even though the patch before it was universally accepted as the best in OW history. Because the devs would have to do something concrete about smurfing and cheating and that’s a no-no as they’d have to drive away “players” from an already small playerbase. Because the devs would have to make the game fun instead of introducing more CC and denial abilities that break the game loop. Because players don’t want to play tank since it’s not fun at all and the eggs and rotten tomatoes all fall on your face if you aren’t able to carry 1v5. Because Counterwatch has been exacerbated by a growing list of changes that make the game incredibly chaotic and also because of a still unsolved Sustain issue that leads to Orisa meta all year round. And so on…

Cheaters dont help for sure. frog we see you. yeah you get teabagged for cheating you trashcan :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh, this game deserves to die. Entire system is broken and pretty sure they only have one lonely dev working on it.

The game is far from dead. I don’t know another game with better combat.