Why is there a like limit?

I’ve been on the forums for like a hour today so I read a lot of post that I have agreed with but I could not like them because of a notification that pops up saying I have reached a like limit. Why is there a like limit? Why can’t I like as many post as I want.

BTW I’m on mobile so excuse tha spelling errors.

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To prevent like spamming and farming.

Makes sense but still annoying.

It’s terrible, Jelly can’t spread happiness😓

Positivity shouldn’t have a limit👍


Yeah it is, but when you reach Trust level 3 you get double the likes… Although I still run out…

I would like your guy’s post but there’s a reason I made this post now


Well this :blue_heart: works just as well

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Until your hit the posts per day limit for your level, lol.

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Wow, I’ve never seen that… Not even when I first came on the new forums

and the dumb 20 characters required, you can’t comment on your own post until someone else does (yeah prevent spamming but 1 comment isn’t spamming…) just why? old forum was way better… there are so many dumb things in this new one

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Maybe they tweaked it so it’s less noticable or not a thing? When they went live with the new forum though and for a couple weeks after I was routinely being told I had X amount of posts allowed for today and come back tomorrow.

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You can when you reach trust level 3.

Most likely due some simple technicality of variable size. Maybe it’s int instead of long.

well probably that will never happen with me but how can I do that? I don’t want to farm reputation for blizzard on their forums


Here’s your info

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Because they don’t want people to be too positive

Farming what. there’s nothing to gain my spamming likes other than to show approval for a post? To me this makes zero sense, sometimes there are a very large amount of posts that I think are praise worthy and this is the first site that I’ve even run into that limits the like\upvote function.

U can farm trust levels

LOL “trust levels”, who actually cares about that? As long as I can interact with the community my trust level is inconsequential. Given it’d be nice once in a blue moon to post a pic or a link but overall the trustlevel function is overrated.

Because there is a limit of love we can give individuals before everyone say or become toxic. :wink:

All honestly though, I don’t know why there is a cap to how many posts/ threads you can like.