Why is the season ending in 2 hours?

Don’t they usually shut it down around 8 PM eastern?

It usually goes at 1am gmt which is 8pm eastern.

Yeah but in game it literally says 2 hours left.

LOL they literally screwed up the timer and it has been since day one. Yet another thing they don’t know how to fix

idk if it’s that. Says 1 hour now.

At least downtime is short this time?

Because there will be 2 h offseason before the next one.

Because that is when they decided to end it?

Do you have a strong cravings for chocolate milk, getting deja vu, precognitioning traffic and cats and babies get all wierded out when you’re around them?

You could be a participant in a timeline experiment, and not even know it!

if you’re unsure, the standard procedure is to give them Jello, if they try to drink the Jello and then act all confused about it afterwards, you’ve defiantly got an unregistered Alien on your hands

Is this true?

20 chars…

It’s just finishing for the new year.

This would mean the timer is correct :wink: