Why are quiet enemy footsteps still a thing? 2017-2020, Fix this already

Did you hear mei’s footsteps on the video I posted? No?

I’m not the only one who’s documented about losing sound sfx as far as the old forums. Reaper should be loud af and I remember him being loud af footsteps, the problem is that he’s not loud af and I would react to a reaper behind me attempting to kill me asap if I actually heard him. Something changed.

My volume is also quite loud tyvm, louder than for most people probably because it frequently needs to be turned lower whenever I have visitors and sound effects are at max.


Pharah goes almost silent to me as well unless she boosts herself. The jet itself is way too quiet for a while now, especially where there is ongoing fight with louder sounds.


I started playing last November-ish and I’ve never heard Reaper’s footsteps. Pharah is also super quiet. Tracer is pretty loud though, as is Widow. It’s not just when playing Zen though, it’s an issue for me with all characters equally.


Here also. I hear footsteps so silent, that i sometimes think that are my mates.

Also if Tracer places a Bomb to you, you dont get a sound either. (I remember it did)
Also some dmg sounds (to know if you hit something) are sometimes not there.

Phara was always silent. But her keeping her in the air is loud, but only if she’s above you. Then it apply the same like Reaper/Cree etc…

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I’ve been having the same issue with Reaper specifically. My friend whom I usually play with has said the same thing. I didn’t think that characters like Mei and Hanzo ever had particularly audible footsteps from the beginning.

I thought is was only me, have had this bug for about a week. Really not fun to play when you do not know where to aim lol


I wonder if changing your computers audio settings to allow more simultaneous audio channels would improve this. Is there an option for this inside OW as well?

zenyatta is a strong hero, flanking is one of the ways to counter him and its not just him, footsteps is the same for every support

if that gets nerfed, zen is gonna get nerfed

Apparently we’re all deaf kids. And you are delusional.

Well, you should probably turn off your music when playing games …

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It’s not just footsteps for me, sometime characters ult lines don’t play either. They used to work just fine but now especially if two character ult at the same time, only one line will play.

“Oh hey thanks for playing the Symmetra ult line, definitely wouldn’t have noticed she ulted without it, that Genji ult line definitely wasn’t as important!” - This especially happens with friendly ult lines, which is frustrating when playing Ana in QP where I can’t really combo ults without either forcing a teammate to ult with nano or waiting for their ult - which comes with no audio indicator.


Done both. His footsteps still dont exist, and everyone else’s are loud af. Got any more suggestions?

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I don’t listen to additional music either lmao.

Why are people assuming that because I cannot hear bugged footsteps, I’m butchering the audio inside the game with some other audio like voice or random music? Or some people implicating I’m either deaf or must have some cheap walmart headset?

Not really that cheap and pretty darn good headset for 80+ euros.

I actually like to hear what’s happening inside the game so I can really focus on the important audio cues to better my game or in wow’s case, listen to the fantastic music is has when relaxing. But also audio cues when raiding too.

Maybe I should turn the music section ingame to zero but then again maps don’t really have music playing when you’re doing the maps.


Same here, I have the voice and in-game music settings turned down with sounds effects at max and I’m still getting this issue. It’s just so weird how some sounds are pronounced but others are so subtle.

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Just the other day the Hanzo on my team ulted and I heard/saw it, then a moment later I was surprise killed by the enemy Hanzos dragon whose ultimate line didn’t go off or get announced at all, I would have uploaded it to YouTube but my system memory was full. I swear something buggy is going on with the audio.

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Just stopped to read after this. No reason to read the rest.


If you look earlier in this thread you’ll see my video where I trip a Widow venom mine, but the only sound that comes out is my character coughing, I wouldn’t have even known I tripped it if it weren’t for the coughing. Like you said sometimes audio doesn’t even get played at all, something is definitely wrong for sure.

It’s like you said, people have been posting about this issue off and on, I’m one of them and have seen others here and in the bug forum talk about it too, but I’ve yet to see or hear any acknowledgement from Blizzard. I hope they see this thread at least and start looking into it if they haven’t already.

The game has an automatic audio prioritization system that decides which sound effects should have a higher volume. The purpose is to try and help players who usually aren’t great at first person games focus on high stakes events such as ultimates. The inability to turn this feature off is messed up honestly… Also the sound of characters landing on the ground is quieter than most dangerous footsteps which is also messed up.

Anyway if you ever get surprise Reapered when you usually hear his steps that means you were likely in the sights of another enemy while the Reaper was focusing an ally by you; the moment your ally moved or died the Reaper then turned on you and got the sneak attack.

Edit: But with the amount of sound effects in OW the team likely just didn’t want it to be super messy with too many sounds at once… Which could be avoided by actual good sound design instead of having an algorithm decide volumes.


Yet they way the opposite way with visual clutter. Though at least they fixed the mess that was Moira’s effects. They really need to revamp the sound system going on either way. The system is so finicky right now.

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I honestly think something is bugged in the audio priority system. I posted a video in a separate thread on this issue where I’m alone in a quiet Petra corridor, I just killed two enemies and I’m backing down the hallway when suddenly a McCree pops up out of nowhere behind me, completely unannounced, and flashbang kills me. Then a few minutes later I’m in the same quiet corridor, no enemies around, but then I hear a Widows footsteps clear as day behind me coming from the EXACT same direction McCree came from, and I turn around and react fast enough to shoot her Venom mine mid-flight as she tosses it towards me. It’s like, why can I easily hear the Widow but not the McCree, when the McCree at close range is bound to be the deadlier of the two?

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