Why is the Contenders Schedule so bad?

tldr; OP is a big fan of the Contenders content, but the YT content isn’t organized into easily digestable videos. Instead, they make the audience look through countless videos to find the team/match they wanted.

And I totally agree. If you want your content watched, it has to be organized and easy to consume. Making the audience work for the content is usually not a good strategy.

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Because blizz never planned to promote contenders, it was ignored for so long. That’s why I’m so happy right now, they’re actually focusing on making sure contenders succeeds.

Collegiate stuff is a different league

That is because they need more players viable for OWL. Otherwise it would still be the red headed step child and forgotten about.

I’m still really happy, I’ve been following for contenders for a while now and finally excited at it is getting the limelight that it deserves.

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I think it is more like a test ground for OWL rewards. :thinking:
And besides there isn’t any OWL right now so ofc they will push the backups.

Even if it is just as a testing ground, I’m still happy that they’re promoting it. This way the overwatch pro scene can expand.

I just double checked, because this would make sense, but you’re actually incorrect. Going to over.gg, it specifically says that the China matches are contenders matches. The official site is actually just that bad.

I’ll take a look at it once I get home…But it looked to me like the next contenders match wasnt til like the 20th…any region

They weren’t streamed on the contenders site either way.

ok…needed some time to look stuff up on https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Overwatch_Contenders/2020/Season_2/China/Week_4

so todays matches were in fact contenders matches…however the chinese region has this format where they do 4 different weeks of matches followed by the “final” playoffs…

thing is those 4 individual weeks also have a playoff system of their own where they have a group stage followed by a knockout stage…

todays games were the aforementioned group stage matches…for some reason THOSE dont show up on the schedule…but the knockout stage (for week 4 does)…and the “final” playoff show up afterward as well…

why??? beats the heck out of me

incidently if you go on contenders site right now theyre streaming some college tournament which also isnt featured on schedule…and im guessing it doesnt count either??? or does it??

I’m subscribed to the Contenders youtube channel and so far, I’ve been seeing messages on the front page for upcoming or live events.

Speaking of which… they featured Collegiate games today. Those count, right? They streamed them live on the Contenders official page.

They actually didn’t according to the Youtube Nightbot in chat.
It clearly said the drop was not active for the collegiate games.

Ah dammit… so why was it on the contenders official page then!?

Don’t care. It’s still criminally underpromoted.

I agree, they should really promote it more.

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I watched some of the collegiate, and the games looked exciting.

Watch the open division games as well, Competitive overwatch is pretty fun to watch.

yeah i’ve been meaning to catch some of them.

The meta over there is all over the place, but some of the good matches ends up mirror. While mirror matches are fun to watch, it can tend to get boring.

These dont give you any drops , someone asked in twitter and they said No, its because its not “Contenders” matches .

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