Why is Role Queue necessary when LFG already exists?


I honestly don’t understand. If you want a group to your liking, you can easily set one up with the current tools available.


Why do you think a one-trick is going to use LFG?


Short answer: time. People don’t want to spend more time putting a group together than playing the actual game.


I think they originally suggested it as a way to drown out GOATS - don’t give them the option to go 3-3. But I don’t like the idea of role queue because it’s incredibily constricting and that takes away some of the fun aspect of it.

LFG is a great tool but say you’re a player who enjoys going Widowmaker but you’re high gold, low plat. The majority of groups you go into ask for open profile (which fair enough, they want the best on their team) and will the majority of the time kick that player. And if you’re a one trick, you’ll also get kicked.

Heck i’ve been in some LFGs where you get kicked for how you talk on mic. It’s happened once or twice where i’ve been kicked for being a girl or because they thought I was a 12 year old boy (Which as a 26 year old female i’ll just take as sounding youthful).

At least with role queue, I could jump into a game and play that role in a stable composition and not worry about getting kicked because of who I like to play.


i’m pretty sure you lose more SR if you play comp as a group

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Because the game punish people who play in groups.


Also forgot to mention, no one actually queue as group at gm+ because it just doesnt find a match. Once saw some streamers joining to play a group match and they waited around 22 minutes and then gave up.

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Because groups that already work well together will dominate those formed randomly, leading people to ask why they waited 10 minutes to make a team and 4 minutes in queue time just for the group to disband after 1-2 matches. The role queue doesn’t affect players who already play 2-2-2 it doesn’t really mess with lfg either, it’s mainly for solo queue and 2-3 stacks. Playing in an lfg group isn’t the same as playing with a seasoned team. You still don’t know your group mates, how they play, who they play and the longer you take to make that group the more frustrating it is when you leave. Overall even if it takes 10 minutes to queue as a dps it’s still faster than joining an lfg where they kick you if your stats or main aren’t good enough.


I don’t care what a one-trick does? Not sure what you’re trying tos ay here.

So you think forcing people to do what they already have the option to do is a good idea for the sake of… time?

Not to mention, Role Queue will likely have increased queue times for people, so it doesn’t really hold up.

But then you can just make your own group? You don’t get kicked that way.

That still doesn’t tell me why a role queue is necessary when LFG is in place.

You’re just making an excuse for not using LFG?


Becaue the whiny player base does not use it.

Also the game punishes people who play in groups

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Compare the automated group finders with the manual group finders in MMOs (prime example is WoW) to have your answer. Wayyyy more people use the automated one.

I just gave you the primary reason as to why barely anyone wants to use the group finder as is.

Personally I don’t think that forced role queue is really a good option. Limiting roles on the selection screen (just like is now the case with individual heroes) would be better.

Or maybe even better would be a system that forces at least one of each role per team. So, if the 5 other people on your team all picked DPS and support, all those heroes will be greyed out and you can only play tank.

Maybe this will also reduce the ridiculous amount of players that only ever stick to one role… who am I kidding… people will just get more toxic… sigh

GJ Blizz, make a game that’s based on switching on the fly, but somehow incentivizes maining and one-tricking. sarcastic :+1:

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Id say the real drawbacks of LFG are:

  • You won’t always find a group you are looking for, and even if you make one, it can take time to find the teammates you want

  • When you do find a group, you can basically limit your team to 2-2-2 if you wanted to however it does not effect the enemy team. So if they run GOATS, good luck trying to do a mirror match (as most teams who start losing to GOATS will do).

  • You are basically queuing with a full squad and will most likely will go against other 6 stacks. Those 6 stacks could be LFG randoms or they could be a full squad of friends who play often together and have better coordination.

I brought this up before as I thought LFG was good where it was, however, there is only so much the LFG system could do.


lol wth?!?

So the game is blamed because toxic people who blame others or peoples picks and now go to lfg and found out its because it was them that didn’t have the skill?

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Because LFG splits the population into separate populations that don’t group together.

And the process is highly manual, and filled with leaders who are jerks.


Making a 6 mans group and being matched with other 6 man groups is NOT a drawback.

What people thought “yay! now im gonna steam roll because Im going to use a LFG to make a 6 man stack to face complete non 6 man stacks?!”



Because LFG disbands too quickly to be worth using and you are matched against premades when you are random.


That seems like a player problem and not a game-design problem.


This. If they balanced properly, all heroes would have hard counters

Well, what did you expect? It was those jerks that were being toxic in regular queue, always blaming others for their losses, so now go to lfg thinking they would do better.

LFG was brilliant in the fact that I believe it was a good way of filtering those toxic people. It was a win-win.

That still doesn’t change the fact that it is still a viable option for those people (same people really who are toxic and blame others, the game, the system, the team comp etc) who want a forced team comp, and think its the best way to win.

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Wrong. Heros should never have a “hard counter”, that is what causes the problem.
A game like this should never have a hard counter system. That’s not balance.