Why Is Overwatch So Hard To Enjoy!

Why Is This Game Is So Hard To Enjoy!

Mora Dmg Orb Moira's Dmg Orb Being One Of The Most Frustrating Things In The Game. You don't feel like somebody just straight up out-skilled you, because 80% of the time those orbs are thrown randomly, and neither You or the Moira have any control on what happens later with the orb. - the up time of it is too long
Balance Balance Changes Seem Like They Were Taken Out Of A Random Complaint Thread. Good job people You did it again, you got us Brigitte, because people got bored of a 'Meta' where 80% of the cast was viable. - Now viable are only 6 - 8 Heroes. Two Dps's, Two Tanks, Three Supports.
Hanzo You Basically Buffed Every Single Aspect Of That Hero. It isn't like Hanzo was Symetra and saw literally no playtime in OWL. He was map dependent, in OWL he was almost every time picked on King's Row, but by buffing his entire kit, he not only is almost a must pick on King's row but on every single other map. Because who are you going to pick? McCree? Haha.
Bugs As For Their Own Engine They Take Too Long To Fix! For example things like Rein's shatter, Widowmaker's grapple hook. They were buggy almost since lauch, yet still haven't seen fixes. Some that could even differ the outcome of many games. (Rein seems to be looked at tho!) - Small Indie Company :)
Practice Range It Actually Is A Joke And A Half. Very hard to do at least a semi descent warm-up on in. Bot hit-boxes have no actual purpose other that, 'just shoot them 4Head'

Here, have a megathread: Can you rework ... Practice Range? (or add more AI bots)

One Shot / Stun Mechanics They Are Simply Too Many Of Them! Short list of abilities that mess with your movement in Overwatch: Rocket punch, Uppercut, Flashbang, Trap, Freeze, Halt, Charge, Earthshatter, Hook, Sleep, Bash, Whip Shot, Hack, Boops, Sym’s turret, Random Hanzo Spam.
Almost all of those abilities make the game less enjoyable because player has no control over what is going to happen with their hero. - If You Are Going To Keep Them, At Least Make Their Use More Complex.
Competitive Seasons Off Season Serves No Purpose Outside Waiting There is a new patch on PTR with fall-of minimal damage adjustments, why not put it to the test Live, where there is no active competitive season?
- Blizzard - Naaaaaaaaah

That was just a short list of things I and I hope some of You also dislike about this game, and would those things to be looked at

Balancing issues, a not very well working ranked system, to little communication whit the community and a player base which become more and more toxic mainly because of all of this. But to be fair, they are trying to fix it.


its is not hard it all…just play the counters on the heros are giving you a hard time, like every complain about briggite but she is soooo ez to counter with junkrat.



If these minor complaints, all of which are either being addressed or are not really problems, keep you from enjoying the game, you need to find another hobby. There are way too many overly-broad rant threads on here recently.

Game changing bugs, minor?

Maybe them making Hanzo best at every range?

Maybe all of those crowd controll-s? this isn’t WoW we can’t have as many.

Or having to warm-up outside the game?

Randomness is minor?


There are bug fixes in every patch and the ones you listed work perfectly fine now and have for a while.

Balance changes are anything but haphazard in this game. They take a while to implement because of how carefully they’re tested.

Hanzo is nerfed on the PTR.
Just because you don’t like crowd control doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.

You don’t have to warm up outside of the game. If you want to practice, there a lot of effective ways to do it.

That orb that killed you probably wasn’t random. You deciding to walk into it wasn’t either.

I have lost a game yesterday because my Widowmaker grapple hook randomly decided to suck me to the wall instead of launching me in the air.

They are nerfing the least overpowered thing about him

Ana bots? Bots In General? Quick Play? NO

You really think i made this as a point because a orb killed me ONE TIME?


The bug fixes take actual Years to come out! Sombra is still broken and Reinhardt`s ultimate is fundamentally broken…since the beta.

Torbjörn has been a throw pick since the game launched, so no, balance changes don’t take “a while”. They are non existent.


Everything you mentioned was brought up in an interview between Seagull and the devs. So you can’t say these changes are non existent because they are coming soon. People are just negative and impatient. The devs have bigger changes to work on most of the time rather than small problems which only happen on rare occasions.


Sombra changes are on the PTR right now. As far as Rein, he was my most-played all the way into GM last season and I’ve had no issues with his ult for months. Torb is not a throw pick. Balance changes are non-existent? Hyperbole isn’t a valid argument.

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Are you…serious? I waited for 2 years and im impatient?!

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I used to believe this, but metas usually lead to mirror comps on both sides. Counters usually aren’t enough most the time, usually you have to mirror what other team is doing when meta is concerned.

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Gonna check it out, thanks.

Nothing about broken Widowmaker Hook was even mentioned.

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Well if you looked, I replied to Pupsik. As far as your “broken widowmaker hook”, I am pretty sure that is just a problem with your use of the ability. I have played widowmaker a fair bit and have never had a problem unless I mistimed the release of the hook. Maybe I am just lucky but I doubt that.

  1. Some of the heros, like Brigitte and Moira are to effective and influence the whole meta to much for how easy they are to play. When was the last time you saw anyone pick Ana over Moira? Or when was the last time you saw a round without Brigitte.

  2. More then 2 years into the game and there is still no negative list for maps you dont want to play or spawn in at all. Why do we have to play Junkertown for example when almost nobody likes that map. Or why do we have to play Hanamura or Temple of Anubis, when almost everybody agrees that they are only fun on the 2nd point as defender.

  3. Even things which would be really easy to programm, like the ability to pick your weaponskin independently from the rest of your skin, arent even in the game after beeing heavily wanted by the community for more then 2 years now.

  4. Still no replay system

  5. Still a matchmaking system which forces 50/50 win/lose rate by putting you into teams which steamroll the enemy half of the time and get completely stomped from the enemy for the other half of the time. There are almost no close games with how the matchmaking works , its either getting stomped or stomping the other team.

  6. Some heros like McCree , Ana , Soldier , Sombra are underpowerd or underused for a very long time now. McCree is especially screwed after introducing Brigitte and Hammond. His van da hammer would really need additional bonus damage against shields and armor, like someone else suggested.

  7. With the introduction of Brigitte and Doomfist , there is at the moment just to much armor and stun or abilities which mess with your movement in the game.

  8. There are to many shielding abilities in the game.

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sh*t’s a mess :frowning:

Yes Junkrat may counter Brigitte, however due to the meta right now using junkrat just puts you at a disadvantage

there is like 4 major shields in the game and a massive amount of spam to destroy them with e.g. storm arrows

TRY HARDS. when they know u suk at Lucio ball