Why is open que "the lesser" competitive?

Ranks are basically bull**** if you are not very high or low … openQ and roleQ. The problem with roleQ is that the matchmaker decides about 4 out of 5 matches for you … not that openQ is much different, but at least a little better.

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Open Queue most definitely counts, claiming otherwise is plain silly. While RQ does more accurately gauge one’s skill within the confines of a specific role, OQ measures your ability to perform in an environment where your choice of tools for the task is much more expansive.


Open queue is like arcade. People do not care about wining, they just want to play dps and don’t want to wait the queues.
And I can’t blame them, waiting 9-12 minutes EVERY match is just HORRIBLE.
But in the end, if I have 4 dps and hog on my team, I can’t think this game has any balance and it “counts” for your rank. You were just unlucky and you could play support and try or just have fun like your team and play dps too.

For me, open queue is a joke

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cept it doesnt count; because no one plays it past a certain rank. (generally diamond, i mean top 500 open queue starts in low diamond)

if your a like gold player, sure. you’ll get plenty of matches. but for everyone else its just a DPS aim trainer, why any tank or support mains would play that is beyond me.

Ah, open queue thread. :smiley: And now we wait for that one person:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Because they are bad players.


So you’re high plat in open q, and what, low gold in role q? Why would that make you lose interest in OQ? You’re still playing with the same skill level of players, but they call you a different rank, so you don’t want to? rofl

This is probably the biggest problem with OQ.

OWL players think that open queue is a joke (like Super) and he is so much better than you, me and everyone on this forum, so I think you are wrong :wink:

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It’s been that way since 2-2-2 came out, nobody takes it serious and treats it like a meme

X person feeding

healers: “Please stop going in by yourself and wait for the team”


i never drank enough of the koolaid to feel like that many of my games are predetermined but i do find it easier to stomach losses in open queue. that’s one of the things i like about how deathmatchy it is, it feels easier for me to admit that i should have just fragged out harder instead of coping about my team, ya know? :grin:

My OQ ranking is about the average between my three roles, and it’s basically the same as it was back when OQ was the main game mode. Some things never change.

Well I don’t know who super is, because I don’t watch other people play video games, but my point of reference was that open queue is better for players that actually know how to play the game. RQ was implemented for kids that need hands held because they can’t figure out when they need 2 healers or 2 tanks or less or more or etc.

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I personally enjoy Open Queue much more. It’s the original way the game was designed and it give you much more freedom to flex play. Playing support and Doom is farming you while the dps play Tracer and Ashe letting you die over and over? Go Sombra, force it to be a 5 v 6 or force him off Doomfist. Then go back to support.

I was a flex player at the start and many of us got shoved out once they forced 2/2/2. People wanna say the whole “5 dps” thing, but in actuality it never happened that often.


Open Que is quickplay+ because majority of OW players play RQ

i take role-less queue matches quite seriously, and i find match quality to be much much worse under the stale metas, restrictions, and excessive wait time in 222

I dont think anyone is losing sanity over the mere playing (or in the case of 222, waiting to play) of a video game

I see the exact same in 222…and as such, I have no idea why this is being noted as a problem specific to role-less queue, when it affects all sorts of matches

the same occurs albeit for different reasons in 222

you have those who wish to play dps but end up playing support or tank (and playing them as if they were dps) due to the excessive wait times or the bribes

or both

i see this claimed quite often on these forums, but I have never seen any valid data to actually support this claim

as far as I know, Blizzard doesnt release usage data on modes in Ovewatch, so I dont know of any data to support this claim

this doesn’t prove fewer folks overall play role-less queue.

there are other explanations for this result

I and many others folks who prefer the freedom of role-less queue matches over the stale metas, long wait times, and many severe problems of 222 care about our rating in role-less queue

I get plenty of support and tank players in my role-less queue matches.

I see 4 or more dps in roughly one in every twelve matches…and when I do its never a problem, as its just another challenge that role-less queue presents that 222 does not.

I look at 222 as playing with training wheels, personally

I dont see any connection whatsoever between role-less queue competitive and the arcade, personally

I vastly prefer role-less queue over all the many severe problems in 222, and I see players playing to win in almost every case in my matches there. I too take those matches seriously and play to win every match

indeed, the devs felt the wait problem was so severe in 222 that they added the bribes even before infesting the game with the 222 the mode

that said, as I stated above, I see plenty of tank and support players in my role-less queue matches

some wait far longer than that. 30-45 minutes is reported on the forums quite frequently. Years and many patches later, the problem remains, undeterred and unresolved


Sadly people treat open queue like its QP with comp points. The game is also not balanced for it.

However I still consider it a valid competitive mode.

wait how do you not understand why the top 500 starting in diamond meaning the population is low?

like sure bronze-gold maybe even plat has people in it. but anything diamond+ is BARREN

if there are 500 people from 3000-4000~ (which is generally around the peak for open queue) then that kind of means open queue is dead. like you have 1500 people in the top 500 in role queue, 500 for each role (potentionally atleast)

like people flex in open queue because its there highest SR mode. its hard for some too grab hold on, but open queue SR is somehow even more meaningless then normal role queue SR. because atleast role queue SR is taken seriously by the larger population.

due to the lack of 'good players", open queue SR is heavily inflated. if barely anyone plays open queue at the top, then the ppl at the bottom slowly climb up by default.

so you have players that are 1-2 tiers higher then they are in role queue. and they then consider this there “real rank” and tilt when things dont go there way. they’ll take it “very seriously” and try to defend why its legit.

when really, people just dont care about there SR in open queue. cept a small minority of hardstuck players

I love Open Queue. It’s chaotic, and I capitalize on that with Tracer.

Tons of fun, faster queue times, and more duels that don’t get interrupted by healers.

It’s a real test of one’s ability to play their hero to the utmost.


because thats only one possible explanation for the result noted here

I care about it

Many others who prefer the freedoms of role-less queue over the many severe problems in 222 have also publicly stated that they care about it as well

I am not sure why this was included in the statement I am replying to

It seems to serve only as an attack - an insult/derogation - and no other purpose

some clearly do…they’ve even said so right in this very thread

however, many who prefer role-less queue, myself included, do not see things this way


Sounds like deathmatch with extra steps to me tbh. I play support mostly, so it was a godsend for me to have a guaranteed second healer and 2 tanks when previously it was a toss up whether or not I’d get one. It just wasn’t for me, but people have different tastes and I’m glad you’re doing you and having a good time.

ok like your giving me a headache.

there is no other explanation for why the top 500 is how it is. aside from the fact no one plays it. even if we assume, there are people who play it in that elo range but dont qualify for top 500…it still doenst excuse the fact top 500 starts a full 1000 sr lower then role queue. (you can also just check top 500 role queue players and see if they are even placed in open and you’ll find very few actually are.)

pre role queue top 500 started at like 4300 sr, this is what is called open queue now. so open queue went from 4300+ top 500 to 3000+ top 500.

sure at a lower elo the population is there, but the thing is. why ‘care’ about your rank if climbing up past plat is ‘fake’? like if your not playing against real diamonds, masters or GM’s then your not a real diamond+ player.

masters+ people play against pro’s constantly, and alot of us get slapped but thats an experience you only get in the real ranked mode. so anything that is reliant on that then becomes invalidated.