Why is no one talking about the sombra nerfs?

Because of you would Play ptr you will see that sombra is still a Problem and the nerfs Change nothing

1- Sombra is weak in the mid fight and depends on emp to do anything. The over all ultimate nerf is particularly harsh on her.
2-Goats made sombra viable for the second time ever in overwatch history. Now that we have locked 2-2-2, it removes a lot of viability.
3-Her hack/emp nerfs just simply make her worse and less enjoyable to play.

The 5 second hack change is a good change I think the one for EMP is more tricky. If its barely too long then people will cancel her ult repeatedly with zero impact.

Says poster #3278, creeatin yet another #74th post about about Sombra.

6 seconds of hack is plenty in the midfight, just have to hack the right thing. We have seen examples of single target hacks winning entire team fights in OWL.

There have been a bunch of threads about this, ie:

There has even been a thread on how Fitzy feels about the changes (not sure what happened to the thread, it must have been moved somewhere else than general discussion) to Sombra. So yes, people have definitely been talking about the sombra nerfs.

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What’s wrong with that?

What’s there to talk? She’s getting the Pharah/Mei treatment

It’s almost like we could revert most reworks with 2-2-2 mh…odd…

Nothing, just that it’s far from the only post about Sombra. That is all. :open_mouth:

Sorry, I personally didn’t see that thread and thought people were being quite about her changes.

It’s one of the more minor nerfs.
It doesn’t take 5 seconds to kill someone with her gun unless your accuracy is too low to play her or you were wasting your time duelling a tank. It also doesn’t take 5 full seconds for a team coordinated enough for Sombra to be viable to react to a hack.
It will be a nice change when playing against her, but that’s about it.

Hack is pretty hard to get value out of in the mid fight as it can be easily be easily canceled.

In a case like that, this particular hack nerf makes 0 difference.

It’s a matter of getting good angles and enough cover as well as timing.

Easier said then done, but it’s a matter of opinion.

I did a thread yesterday.

But the vast majority of the community doesnt play Sombra and she could get deleted from the game for all they care. So…

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Because giving feedback to blizzard is a waste of time.

So is getting headshots with Widow in a meta where everyone are cozy behind an Orisa shield but people still do it and get value.

Plenty of other examples.

Widow’s kiss has certain advantages over hack though. Like that it can’t be interrupted, is instant, has unlimited range, negligible cooldown and sends you to spawn. But that’s the trade of for having to aim I guess.