Why is no one talking about the Rammattra skin

Here is the link, it’s below Zen

why did they make him like that, please for the love of god give him badass skins instead of cute ones, thanks.

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I don’t see the Ram skin in that image.

You mean this one, right?


It’s pretty dope, not sure why you think it’s cutesy.

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The middle one in the third row. I wouldn’t call it a cute skin tho

So Ram’s getting 2 skins? Huh. But yeah, also wouldn’t call it cute, it’s pretty cool.

It’s a Mad Max reference.

It’s cool.

I think the one you posted is just his Necromancer skin, isn’t it? Launched a few seasons ago.


Yeah, they just used it to show off the new highlight intro for him.

No idea, don’t play him so don’t keep track, but it was in the trailer, so Trilly was confusion… :woman_shrugging:t4:


Regardless, they got me messed up with all the omnic skins except Bastion and Echo.
Why do Orisa and Zen have bathtime skins in this halloween/darkness season? Why is Orisa’s my nightmare fuel?

You know maybe that still works out then…

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Is this supposed to be a Jekyll and Hyde kind of skin?